Well, Rocksmith fans, looks like it’s time for you to chose a winner for Best Rocksmith DLC of 2016!

Competition was fierce, but it looks like we have two clear frontrunners with Dream Theater completely leaving everyone in the dust outside of the trio from Toronto, Rush!


Honourable mention goes to our third-placer Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OikP2DiI5yA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAbaokU0-sc

Best halsb video of 2016


Yes, the mysterious guitar man now has his own category, he’s just that good.

Favourite Rocksmith video not featuring a halsb

There were some great Rocksmith videos this year, let’s take a look at a few…

@Audrey123talks hits a sweep pick on her sightread

The top viewed video of 2016 from @elisoncrz!

@Audrey123talks 100% Maxwell Murder Bass!

@PAPAxPALPATINE takes on Steel Panther

Zombie David Stevens plays “Black Sunshine”

Thanks for voting, see you next time!






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15 thoughts on “Rocksmith Remastered DLC Battle: The Riff Repeater Bowl 2016

  1. If you want to see it as me being self righteous rather than you being ignorant then you will never develope your social skills, which is your own choice. ignorance is bliss as they say.

  2. Well I guess making it in to the top 3 isn’t bad. So now, like so many Americans last year, do I withhold my vote as I’m not following either of the top candidates or just flip a coin? (Alright campaigners step up.) 🙂

    1. Thought about this for a bit. As it was actually Alex, not Eddie that initially interested me in Van Halen, and the fact, as I’ve read, Neil Peart is a fan of the usual (Baker, Bonham) but also of Phil Collins and here’s the kicker, Mike Shrieve, I’ll cast my lot with Rush.

  3. Hahaha these stats of DT and Rush are kind of retarded…. for one pack that was absolutely smashing everything it gets the flipside treatment this time around because of all the Rush sympathizers can’t bare the thought all of a sudden that DT wins lol

    1. When you have someone you care for who has a mental disablilty you will understand why decent people dont say retarded.

      1. Mate… I don’t need someone to imply i’m an indecent person for using the word retarded.
        I’m sorry for the burdon it may cause you if you do care a mentally disabled person. But the word retarded has been around alot longer than when people started associating the word with mentally handicapped people.
        So go cram your self righteousness whereever you like it… but maybe you should pick up the dictionary while you’re at it!

        1. You could use a different word though, what’s the harm? I’m not going to edit your comment to remove an “ableist slur” (I can already feel your eyes rolling). Why not try to be a bit more considerate to people that the word would hurt, just saying 🙂

          1. Haha the fact you even said “i can feel your eyes rolling” shows that your spidey sense is tingling…. (and for good reason).
            But i do roll my eyes even more so to the “i’m not going to edit your comment”… how old are you man?…. Powertripping on something like that is pretty sad dude, especially when in the past you’ve mentioned “free speech bla bla bla”…
            I respected that opinion ALOT up until the point you just said that.

            1. Sad!

              Just trying to consider other people’s feelings, this is a website about a music game there’s no reason for hateful insults my friend.

        2. You realized using that word here directly compares what you are complaining about with “retardation”? You are using retarded as another word for stupid, which is exactly why it is offensive (not necassarily to me, but to a lot of people.) Because disablilities don’t make you stupid, they make you disabled.

          Yes the word is older but no, the way it was used in your comment came about after people started associating it w/ mentally handicapped. I speak french so I know when “retard” is being used in an appropriate context. Don’t try educating me if you are just trying to make yourself look less insensitive while simultaniously being very rude; it’s counter-productive.

    2. Voting changes from round to round. That’s why we have rounds. Many people who voted for SRV, yes, etc. last time have to vote for either rush or DT, so naturally that will effect the results this time around. Rush got the vote for me for being a 5 pack.

      1. I do understand how it functions. I’m simply stating that the stats seem to be extraordinarily emotionally driven.

    3. I love this website, I love R.R., I worked for 7 years for the state with the developmentally disabled, have a mentally retarded family member, and I have a Bachelors degree in English studies. Unfortunately this is the second time in a week I’ve seen people ganging up on a post here, including the administrator. (see the “isn’t that the definition of a poser” comment in an earlier article). Not cool! I subscribe, hit likes on the RR youtube page, and tell all my peeps about this site. 9thCircle you are a 100% in the right, I can’t believe how awkwardly people responded to your post. And you know what? I see your point about the DT and Rush poll- no doubt people come on here and vote multiple times. I know I have! Just letting you know that your post is not retarded.

      1. If you call your family member “mentally retarded” that is kind of awful. I quite simply said that it can be offensive using language like that, because i know people w/disabilities who hate the word and have been called it all their lives. Movements to stop using the word are happening because people are offended by it’s use. The fact you don’t understand this surprises me, given your backstory. It’s like saying a machine “jewed you” if it didn’t give you your change; you aren’t calling anyone a jew, but you are using it to described something completely unrelated to the religion in a negative way, which can offend people.

        You don’t have to agree with me, but simply respect the truth in what i said. The defensive backlash is what started this anyways.

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