Rocksmith Survey hints at the future of the franchise

Hello Rocksmith fans!

Late last night (or early depending where you were) @cjblandford posted on reddit that he had received an email from @UbisoftStudioSF asking him to participate in a survey!

Here’s the link to the survey if you didn’t receive it in your email!

What does the survey contain? There’s a fair bit to pique our interest at @TheRiffRepeater! Subscription based models? Online Multiplayer? An actual Vocal training mode?!

Thanks to @MooPuns


An interesting look at some considered additions to Rocksmith in the future :-O



Here’s all the Genres for consideration in the survey:

@DanAmrich chimed in to manage expectations, but you know how PR works…

For those who fill out the survey in the United States you could win a few things, so don’t miss your chance to give @Rocksmithgame your feedback – and make sure you tell them you heard about the survey here on The Riff Repeater 🙂


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22 thoughts on “Rocksmith Survey hints at the future of the franchise

  1. Oye keyboard SO is possible, I seen a guy on youtube plug in a keyboard to the first rocksmith and actually play the guitar notes for it. they already have programs like that for keyboard it wouldn’t be nearly as hard as it was making guitar note detection work. the only difference is the keyboard would be almost flawless on the note detection part (unless you start playing with the effects and not let rocksmith “tone switch”. There are enough rock epics that use keyboard to justify it I think and you could even play some guitar parts on it with transposing.


  2. Okay I don’t want a subscription model.. I will only be okay with subscriptions IF AND ONLY IF, its OPTIONAL and if it doesn’t screw the people who would rather buy and keep their songs and not pay every month.. it might be a good deal for some but not everyone like me who only buys songs I actually like after watching the video of the parts.. I buy a lot of DLC don’t get me wrong but if I was paying every month lets say 20 bucks since RS one.. Id have paid over 600 dollars MORE for all the songs I own now.. and from a company standpoint I guess it makes sense to charge a person multiple times if you can… but trust me subscriptions are hardly ever a good deal and there’s no way we could even play the whole catalog in a reasonable time frame anyways and in the end you find maybe a couple hundred songs you like enough to replay regularly? the price to buy them little by little will be much cheaper then subscribing in the end… and yea when a game or services goes from buy and keep to subscript (I mean completely) that softwere ends up dying many times and losing customers who simply wont pay every month for what they used to be able to “pay as they go” for.. The best choice would be to offer “both” for those who prefer either model. BUt only if you don’t alienate the “buy and keepers” by offering many extras that are only available in the subscription model.. .

    I know im getting defensive in this post but Ive seen the industry screw things up with subscriptions too many times to ever wish that on anything I love and Ive seen it and microtransaction shape the industry for the worse..while appealing to the OCD’ers and those who can afford to pay every month (as opposed to saving a larger chunk of change and paying just once) Maybe. if cheap enough it can appeal to some of us with less income (which subscriptions sometimes are disguised as doing even if it costs a user more in the end lol) maybe if its like 10 bucks a month… then I donno.. but id sitll like the option to buy the content as well and keep it “unlocked” but its have to be a lot cheaper than 20 bucks a month which I think is what many who are getting gleeful over the idea of subscriptions to play the whole catalog are thinking.. well I got news for you its not gonna be that cheap.. these kind of things rarely are……

    Now things I would actually want from a rocksmith 2018 if it came are
    1. UNCENSORED SONGS DLC since “dlc is not rated” there is no reason not to offer it to adults who want to buy it… also I think judging form all the community sites that most players are adults always (like the vast majority and im sure the surveys will show if the “age” range was released or by association of linked uplay accounts and the age attached to the accounts.

    1. Other instruments (keyboard, electric banjo, electric uke, violin) thats a pipe dream maybe but oh well.. but more practically 5 string bass and 7 string guitar.. they added capo functionality when more songs use an extended range then do use capos lol.. however I know the usual “only so many ppl have a instrument with more then x amount of stings.. maybe with guitar.. but as far as bass is concered 5 string bassess are almost becoming the new “nrom” and most every basest Ive know has at least one 5 stinger. They can remedy this by having “extra arrangements” with the proper amount of stings, or a new “path” for that instrument.
    2. More “hidden songs”
    3. PRACTICE TRACK AND LESSON DLC FOR GOODNESS SAKE (or periodically add some for free)
    4. ABLE TO ADD PRACTICE TRACKS TO YOUR NON-STOP PLAYLIST!!! without having to go to the lessons menu and able to play them on SCORE ATTACK. Some practice track songs are actually pretty good.. a few of them at least arnd are interesting enough to want to replay from time to time.. with full functionality that other songs have.

    6 Juels

  3. I think music theory is a huge thing missing in rocksmith. It does a great job in teaching HOW to do things, but it doesn’t do a great job teaching you WHY you do things. Adding music theory lessons would be amazing. Also, I wouldn’t mind vocals.

  4. Sadly I missed the survey. My number 1 request by far is adding support for keyboards. I would love to learn to play piano using rocksmith also. And I think, relative to guitar or other instruments, keyboards should actually be significantly easier for them to get working well (since there is no note detection, just key press 24 or 36 etc.)

    PLEASE ADD KEYBOARDS ROCKSMITH….I’d buy all the DLC again to play it with a keyboard.

  5. It’s good to hear that there will likely be another version in the future. Ability to record and compose along with more music theory lessons would be great. Also the load times really need to improve for dlc it takes like 5 mins before I can play anything on PS3. So what’s your guess on release date and platforms?

    1. What do you mean, what’s our guess? They explicitly said that nothing is set in stone or confirmed. The new version they were referring to is Rocksmith iOS.

  6. The most interesting part of the survey was easily the suggested features question, I’d really like to see the singing integration, ability to create songs (hopefully to record, although I’m doing that with Audacity already), online multiplayer and a VR mode.

    1. That was my favorite part too, I had a very hard time unchecking all these options I’ve never questionned myself to add to the game (but by far create your own songs ingame is my favorite, would be so cool)

      1. I haven’t tried out Rockband VR, but the sense of immersion of being on stage sounded like it’s a great experience. I’d definitely like to try out a VR mode in Rocksmith where you feel like you’re onstage playing in front of an audience.

        1. But not seeing the guitar will make it a bit harder to play and not seeing everything else will make it a bit easier to smash your guitar, more cables won’t help either. If you are really afraid to go play live it might help, otherwise I’ll stick to monitor 😀

          1. You can add a guitar in vr & obviously you’ll want to have a bit of space, which you need holding a guitar anyway.

            It’s not about being afraid, it’s about having the immersion, I don’t think anyone is going to force you to play in vr haha.

            1. This is an unbelievably stupid idea. How are you going to see your neck? Why would you want to play guitar with a VE headset on? If you want immersion, close your eyes for a minute. It’s music!!!

              1. Because you can attach a controller to the guitar to see it, plus after a bit of practice you learn not to have to rely on looking at your finger placement.

                You must have an impressive imagination if you can visualise playing in a band in front of an audience by just closing your eyes.

                1. I can visualize almost anything by closing my eyes. Are you saying you can’t? Wow, that’s depressing.

                  Now that I think about it, playing guitar looking at a fake video game audience with a tv strapped to my face seems super comfortable and really conducive to advancement at my instrument.

                  “you can put attach a controller to your guitar…” WTF? Why would I want that????

                  1. Well considering the proof of concept has been attempted in VR with Rockband & there’s a question in the survey regarding VR, I’d be interested in the mode or at least trying it out. I’d imagine if it was that terrible they’d find that out in development.

  7. I love that Rocksmith has such great feedback with his community that we can express in a survey that seems very good. I love the game and I hope it stays active for many more years.

    1. agree, also…if we do keys…drums? If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s gonna want a glass of milk 😉

      1. I do drums for real on my rock band set up with an Alesis ekit. I would love to be able to play with a guitarist or bassist.

  8. Ooh the floodgates are open now. C’mon George Benson, Funkadelic, and guitarcade.

    (Side note: Yeees!! I finally guessed a correct answer on the monthly newsletter hint.)

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