Rocksmith to release Intermediate Exercises from Greg Studley

Hello Rocksmith fans!

As revealed on yesterday’s @Twitch livestream from @UbisoftStudioSF next week’s DLC is another pack of Guitar and Bass exercises from @StudleyGreg!

Hello again, Rocksmith fans! Last month, we released the first pack in a new form of DLC: Rocksmith Easy Exercises, Vol 1. This pack originated with years-old community requests for more educational content including a focus on techniques and drills—and we have been extremely happy with the response from you, the players!

Next week, on July 2nd, we will release the second pack in this series: Rocksmith Intermediate Exercises, Vol 1. Notetracker and Rocksmith Exercise creator Greg Studley utilizes his expertise as a music educator and author in a pack that steps up the complexity of the techniques introduced in Easy Exercises, including a significant speed boost from that pack.

With Rocksmith Intermediate Exercises, Vol 1, each of the five exercises are available for guitar and bass, and the pack will again be available at the special price of $4.99 USD. Soon, look for more Rocksmith exercises from Greg for our advanced players!

Ubisoft Forums

Trailer on Tuesday!

Each of the five exercises are available for guitar and bass, and this pack will be available once again at the special price of $4.99 USD. Later on, look for more Rocksmith exercises from Greg for our Advanced players (My guess would be August 6th).

Intermediate Exercises Volume 01 – $4.99 / Steam

  • Linear Playing [Guitar Only]
  • Hammer-Ons/Pull-offs [Guitar Only]
  • Pull-Offs/Hammer-Ons [Guitar Only]
  • String Skipping [Guitar Only]
  • String Switching [Guitar Only]
  • Linear Playing [Bass Only]
  • Hammer-Ons/Pull-offs [Bass Only]
  • Pull-Offs/Hammer-Ons [Bass Only]
  • String Skipping [Bass Only]
  • String Switching [Bass Only]


Are you more excited for this Intermediate Exercise edition of these lessons? Are you holding out for Advanced? Or are you simply wondering what actual song releases await us in July? Let us know!


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27 thoughts on “Rocksmith to release Intermediate Exercises from Greg Studley

  1. The poll needs a positive option like “I liked the beginner lessons and look forward to these intermediate ones!”

  2. I think these packs are really useful, but they should probably be in the game as core content, not an additional purchase

  3. even through I taught myself guitar way before rocksmith, rocksmith still test me to become better and more controlled. I went back to my metallica, van halen, ect tab books and found out that all the solos I had difficult time with I can now do with ease. If you focus on always playing more difficult songs and stop avoiding techniques you struggle on, rocksmith can absolutely improve your guitar playing to the next level.
    Do I want to complain about dlc, sure… but I just spent $100 on rocksmith steam sale, I have 450 dlc songs on my laptop, and I’m growing. Always improving matters to me but the only pack I bought recently was greta van fleat 2.

    1. GVF and Chuck are the only packs I’ve bought all year(I did get a few singles but I actually did the math it cane out to being I’ve bought about 65% less tracks than average so far this year), granted they are way better than a normal pack but it has been frustrating/disappointing. I do have a decent selection though even if I couldn only pick from what’s offered. I’m pretty grateful for that.

  4. Love how the game has been out for literally five years of weekly DLC and yet literally anybody is upset that things are changing. Honestly, I think Ubisoft probably will keep DLC going as long as possible because it’s an easy sell to a consistent fanbase, but I am much more likely to believe the slowdown represents “Rocksmith 2020” on the horizon than it does the end of support, though that wouldn’t be insane. Feels like a profitable game for Ubi.

    1. I hope so, Rocksmith needs to get a fresh fanbase other then relying on a dwindling one. A new game means a fresh batch of consumers. A small problem, but unfortunately a real one, would be that even though there is a massive library of dlc for newcomers to be overwhelmed with, it’s still hard for people in find there favorite songs or bands.

  5. I think we are witnessing the end of Rocksmith sadly. Awful DLC packs and this sudden attempt at beginner and intermediate lessons looks like armageddon! I mean Rocksmith was an incredible product that led me to self-instruction and learning through sources like Justin Guitar (which offers FREE guitar instructions). One of the direct correlations between the drop in Rocksmith content has been that I have moved completely to YouTube and Justin instructions. I haven’t touched Rocksmith in months. Hopefully I am wrong, but if this is the end, well it was a great run while it lasted.

    1. I really hope your wrong but my gut feels the same as you. I mean I love rocksmith and I can appreciate a bit of diversity in the song choices for dlc every so often but this has just been weird lately. Maybe I’m alone on this but when I first picked up the guitar I never said to myself I can’t wait to learn how to play girls wanna have fun, frere jacques and boy band songs nobody’s ever heard of. I can only imagine these songs came either cheap to licensing or free. Like I said there’s nothing wrong with mixing it up but these strange choice of DLC packs have all come way too close together without giving us something that has a little bit more broader of appeal. These exercises would have been great 6 years ago when the game was new but I can only imagine that we are at a point where very few people are picking up rocksmith 2014 for the first time. I’ve had to convince people to try this game cause they couldn’t get past the year in the name. A new version is the only thing I think that’s really going to bring new players in and I hope that’s what’s happening. If it means all the dlc has to stay with the 2014 version do to licensing that’s fine cause I can just play that version if I want to get into those songs. I just don’t want to see this thing die cause I thinks it’s a hidden gem for guitar players of all skill levels that needs a new marketing push. For people like myself that don’t have that natural talent and ear for playing an instrument, rocksmith is so great. I was mediocre at best for over a decade until I found rocksmith and while I still think I have a ways to go my skill level has greatly increased because of rocksmith. Sorry that rant went longer than expected. See y’all next week.

      1. Yep, I completely agree. With that being said, the Rocksmith community and developers have been incredible. I mean what video game brings such widespread enjoyment, teaches, and actually offers life-changing material. Plus, what video game continually offers new content on a monthly basis? It has been an incredible journey and I just hope this isn’t the end. In fact, more video games should be developed in the similar mold as we move further into the 4ID.

    2. I’m waiting for The End by the Doors to close out the game but really why would they release exercise tracks and then close it out. That would be bizarre if anything. I know one of the main guys hinted at something coming in the future so pretty sure he wouldn’t say that unless there was something in the works. I think the slowdown in dlc is probably a sign that they are concentrating efforts and budget on new release and I cant wait

      1. Hmm, ok I like this take and I hope you are right? Maybe they are working on VR Rocksmith? Can you imagine entering a visual world and playing what you learned on stage with the VR Stones and whatnot?! Ok, I am dreaming now haha, but a new version would be outstanding!

      2. I have a huge list of Doors songs I want but if we’re just talking the epic ones, When the Musics Over would be my first choice and definitely on obvious one we’re missing. But everything on Morrison Hotel would be a nice start on getting closer to my Doors goal. Actually I really that Spanish Caravan would’ve been a single by now. I play finger style on Guitar and bass anyway but the Flamenco would be fun and really great practice.

          1. Those are both on my list as well. Back door man, crystal shop, soul kitchen, moonlight drive, twentieth century fox, Not to touch the earth, hyacinth house, been down so long, peace frog as well off the top of my head.

    3. whenever i feel that way, i shift over to guitar pro. lots of fan made content – which means really bad tabs 🙁

      1. That’s why I can’t do that. I am forever questioning a right note but I can hear every wrong or missing one. It just makes me crazy.

  6. This is still a good idea, but you guys have been watering down the DLC releases lately with two packs of exercises and the iOS melody pack in such quick succession.

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