Speculation: Rocksmith Newsletter hints at February 2019 DLC

Hello Rocksmith fans!

We got the newsletter, and with it comes four(?) out of four hints for what awaits us this month for Rocksmith Remastered DLC!

Let’s see what UbiVertigo and @UbisoftStudioSF are hinting at for February shall we?

This month

Foo Fighters III?

Yes, more Billy Talent!

one for the anti-valentines day crowd


Take a long walk

This could be a few things!

2010s Mix anyone?

Now that’s a long walk…



Hopefully this isn’t the same Eileen that Dexy was singing about…

How about a song where they walk the whole time in the music video?

Watch out for monsters

Let’s cross this off the Guitar Hero III setlist!

Let’s drop the bass

Maybe it’s about the band name?

I used to think Trent Reznor was on this song back in the Napster days… Now I know Robert Fripp played guitar on it!

Watch the video

Study up on your military history

What better way to learn about the history of war than Maiden! Let’s see that second pack, it’s been 6 years almost!

There’s been covers, and there’s been a Black Sabbath DLC (for Guitar Hero), never War Pigs though

Now we’re really reaching

How about some more Deep Purple?

A bit too on the nose

Although this band is pretty much just a history class with guitar solos





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34 thoughts on “Speculation: Rocksmith Newsletter hints at February 2019 DLC

  1. If the put Metallica or Black Sabbath I would be pleased but it could be For the Military one it I am hoping Maiden but if it isn’t Maiden it could be more Slayer, Megadeath, Disturbed, Bad Company or, Five Finger Death Punch

  2. Okay so I’m in a different place. “Long walk” took me immediately to Jill Scott. While I love her 1st album, not really looking to see that here. Then I went to Walking on the Moon which is quite a long walk from here.

    I like the call out to John Mayer. It’s about time.

    Would probably “loose my mind” if they could get the legendary Son House with some of that ol’ Walkin’ Blues.

  3. Get my hopes up with Metallica, last month it was seger. They haven’t put our a good batch of song in a year, probably won’t buy any, and I grew up in the 90s.

    1. I agree 2018 was a bit tough in some spots. Got a lot of varied tastes out there and Ubisoft did good to touch on a lot of them. (Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Metal, Jazz, Blues, Alternative, Classic Rock, folk, funk, Modern Rock, Christmas)

      Hope your 2019 is better.

  4. Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men would be awesome.

    My other guesses:
    A Long Walk: Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side
    Military History: Edwin Starr’s War

    1. Oooh yes. Edwin Starr – War.

      Would also love (especially since his birthday is coming) War by Bob Marley and the Wailers

  5. My first thought when I heard Go for a Long Walk was “Walk” by Bad Religion and that it would be part of the 90s Mix VI pack. I could be biased, since its a song I’ve requested. My second thought was Walk the Moon, that’s kind of a long ways away.

    As far as military history, I would love more Iron Maiden, I’ve certainly requested a lot of them. Or maybe we’re getting more of Elliot’s favorite band with Rush – Manhattan Project.

    Maybe the Monsters clue refers to Iced Earth’s album about classic horror movie monsters. Or maybe its a Phantom of the Opera pack. I’m hoping its Monster Magnet in the 90’s pack though.

    1. I’ve requested many monster magnet tracks so I’d be very happy to see that back catalogue start being made available to us.

    1. Well the clues are always so vague you can apply them to a lot of stuff but one of my favorite RHCP’s tracks is walkabout maybe we finally get some Flea up in here.

  6. Don’t forget “Bolt Thrower” which is probably the best British Death metal band that emerged during the 1990s

  7. ‘The walk of life’ would be a pretty long walk. Too many good packs recently, about time for a ‘dire’ one.

    1. Long as that pack comes with water of love. But Romeo and Juliet with so far away from me would be a nice way to round that out. I’m guessing sultans of swing and money for nothing probably have the most requests though.

    1. Does Sabbath have a realistic chance? I thought they were on the list of bands we probably will never get. They are on my list of bands I’d pay $100+ per song if necessary.

        1. Ozzy has let games use his music. However if we can’t get the real thing I’d really like ubi to release some packs from the 2 nativity in black albums. And now we’ve also got Zakk sabbath as well.

            1. For example, as much as I’d prefer the original, I would still be pretty pleased to get Joan Jett’s version of Dirty Deeds, Living Colour’s Back In Black, or Anthrax’s TNT

            2. The other music games have (not to mention movies do it all the time) but we have covers on rocksmith already like tainted love. So Ubi could get some suitable options for things if they knew certain people just flat out refused to deal with them. I actually think it’s a smart play for Ubi to do that because if it sells we’ll you can go back to the artist and say look at the money you left on the table. Maybe they would then change their mind. I’d buy the 1,000 homo dj’s Version of supernaught (al of ministry and Trent on vocals with Paul on bass, hell yeah), then buy the o.g. If it became available. But I’m not running things.

        2. Hey He did guitar hero and rock band not only that but brutal legends it is very possible that we can get some Ozzy and Sabbath

          1. Licensing for a soundtrack of a game is different than a music game, also the Black Sabbath in Rock Band is all covers. They do have Ozzy songs though, that much is true 🙂

  8. If we’re gonna go out on a limb and say that “this month” is part of the clue, then I’m gonna reach out to the very tip of that limb and say that it’s referring to February by Thinking Fellers Union Local 282.


    (No idea how to embed. I may have done that wrong.)
    But seriously I’d love to see some TFUL282 in Rocksmith (Cup of Dreams, Million Dollars, Socket, The Operation, Lizard’s Dream, Hive, to name a few songs).

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