Sublime is well qualified to represent the Rocksmith DLC

Greetings Rocksmith fans!

Big news for yours truly as it so happens that next week’s Rocksmith 2014 DLC is the very band I’ve requested for years, yes it’s finally Sublime time.

Sublime is a band that I got into a bit too late.  I was 13 and had gone on a trip to stay with my cousins in Los Angeles, we did the typical things a tourist would do Hollywood Boulevard, Disneyland, and the like. One day I was watching TV and saw a commercial for a new album from a band called Sublime, they looked like a bunch of typical California dudes, and there was a clip of skateboarding so it caught my attention. That night we went to Tower Records and I bought the album, thinking it was something that wouldn’t be around in Canada.

I still remember playing it for my friends they couldn’t believe what they were hearing, songs like April 26, 1992, Wrong Way, Seed, and Burritos. Pretty mind-blowing stuff to be listening to at 13 in 1996.

When I got to high school I found other people had listened to Sublime, but it was still just the self-titled album and a majority of them would just listen to the same 5 songs over and over again. Eventually I met people that were willing to delve deeper into their catalog, live shows, acoustic, covers of bands I listened to like Bad Brains, Bad Religion, and Descendents. I still remember hearing their cover of Hope in my friend’s basement

“Wait a minute I know this song…”

Many a hot summer day would be spent listening to 40 Oz To Freedom or Robbin’ The Hood.  Many a night was spent watching my friends cover Sublime songs in dive bars, with beer in plastic cups.

Good times.

Oh, I am!

Sublime is a band that gets a lot of flack, for the company they attract or perhaps the subject matter of their music, but beyond that you will find a band that is simply perfect for Rocksmith.

Eric Wilson’s bass lines are awesome, solid grooves with lots of variation, it’s going to be fun no matter what five songs they pick. Bradley Nowell had a great tone, he really knew how to play just enough when it came to a guitar solo. You’re going to get that typical reggae-punk feel with some truly awesome leads.

Here’s what I think you can expect on Tuesday

Because there is no avoiding it.

Because it’s always on the Radio.
A great chord progression, a solid bass line, the syncopated chords, a simple, yet super impactful solo

This song isn’t too easy to play…

Because it’s in Rock Band

Of course, if was going to pick the songs it would be Badfish, STP, Pawn Shop, All You Need, and Slow Ride. So there you have it, I finally got the band I wanted, and yes I had requested them officially many times.

Are you excited for Sublime? Do you also think Sublime with Rome is an awful money grab that you’d rather not exist? Do you hate Sublime? Comment away!

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59 thoughts on “Sublime is well qualified to represent the Rocksmith DLC

  1. You know, requesting the songs more than once does nothing. Each request after your first for a song is disregarded.

  2. Some people think the world revolves around their taste in music. If Sublime, (a band I haven’t heard of before), has something to teach me on guitar then I am willing to learn it.

    Isn’t this game about learning guitar/bass?

          1. I was just looking through my list of songs and can not believe how many there actually are. I imagine life would be pretty boring for music snobs.

    1. That’s a fresh, good attitude! Though I do have to admit that I am floored by the fact that you haven’t heard of Sublime!

      1. To be honest I only know one of their songs “What I got”. They just weren’t that big in Australia. I’m still interested enough in them to see what they have to offer.

  3. Aside from a few of the somewhat interesting/inspired choices (surf pack, some of the Yacht Rock stuff, the classical stuff), DLC has been garbage for months. Looks like they are intent to stay on that path. Sublime is terrible.

  4. 😛 😛 yes the time has finally come.
    If I could pick the five it would be
    Superstar punani
    Smoke two joints
    ……..I want more

    1. Sublime was starting to gain fame because of their song “Date Rape” it’s just Bradley had such an addictive personality that he couldn’t stop his three vices, Drugs, Alcohol and Women. If it wasn’t the Heroin he probably would’ve caught a STD for sure.

  5. As someone from an Eastern European country, this is something I`ve only heard about from the interwebs (or maybe I just had the wrong friends), but had never never listened to them until now. I feel the same away about them as the Libertines: bored.

    Waiting to see the charts as always, Biffy has proved me wrong once, but right now I feel meh.

        1. That’s pretty funny, but I think Nowell’s real genius was in the notes he didn’t play as in string muting. It adds a lot.

  6. Super excited about this! Dan’s the man and this pack will dominate. hoping for Badfish but which ever is chosen ok with me. A couple of great tracks are on the Sublime with Rome but I don’t expect those.

    Great news!

  7. Always fun to play and/or sing along to sublime. Should be fun for everyone. I’ve liked the diversity of music in the dlc even if I don’t personally like the style or band. Very refreshing.

  8. Some of these songs I like, some I don’t, I’ll wait and see what’s what, I’ll probably get a couple of them I’m guessing.

  9. This is awesome news! Probably won’t appear but I would pick Ebin, any selection of Sublime would make me happy! 😛

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