Rocksmith DLC – 3/06 “3 Doors Down Song Pack”

As the Facebook page hinted last week today’s Rocksmith DLC is a 3 Pack from 3 Doors Down!

The Mississippi band make their Rocksmith debut with two tracks off their debut studio album The Better Life, including:“Loser” and “Kryptonite,” and “When I’m Gone” which appeared on their second album, Away From The Sun.


While some people seem to have a less than favourable reaction to this band’s inclusion in the Rocksmith catalog, I found myself really starting to enjoy the seemingly Alice In Chains inspired “Loser,” and the simplistic, yet sonically pleasing “Kryptonite” as well. So, while I’m not sure when MOAR METAL is coming, variety is always nice, right?

3 Doors Down Song Pack – 640 MSP – XBL / $7.99 – PSN / Steam

Loser (Combo / Combo 2) – XBL / PSN / Steam

Kryptonite (Combo / Combo 2) – XBL / PSN / Steam

When I’m Gone (Single Note / Combo / Combo 2) – XBL / PSN / Steam

Will you be picking up the full pack? Or just the singles? Or nothing at all? Let us know!

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18 thoughts on “Rocksmith DLC – 3/06 “3 Doors Down Song Pack”

  1. so, the thing is, i didnt had the base game before the remastered version(from steam) i really want all the base songs i played but when i, for example, want to buy 3 doors down packwith kryptonite in it, its no longer available on steam. nor can i find it elsewhere to download. and when i look here i got send to steam where its no longer available. see my problem?

  2. Whoever that person is playing in the videos above, their technique is seriously sloppy. I knew Rocksmith would create sloppy players.

    1. He played guitar before Rocksmith, I genuinely think Elison just doesn't care since he makes the videos that same day of release. It's purely to see the chart and nothing more.

  3. I like Rocksmith, Guitar Hero doesn't interest me (edited: avoiding a overdone flamewar exchange)

  4. I'm gonna try my best to keep this comment curse free as possible

    This is stupid, no news of Guitar Hero whatsoever….that's it
    Guitar Hero is officially dead, I really don't give a crap for Rocksmith, hell Rocksmith is with Ubisoft not Activision, I only care for Guitar Hero, I'm tired of having to wait, Activision you better freaking announce you're going to bring out another Guitar Hero game no more rumors!!…otherwise I'm gonna hate you forever, and I am not buying any game that has your name in it, screw you

    1. One angry Guitar Hero fan 🙂
      But must agree if they are making new Guitar Hero why not just say it.

      1. well hell this is the hero feed…..

        regardless, I have seen that link that you are posting, but that is still just a rumor….there is no strong evidence yet and that is where I am ticked

        1. All we have is rumours at this point 🙁

          Also I realize we are The Hero Feed and there has been discussion about splitting the website to quell the confusion of the name with what we are covering at the moment but such a thing won't really occur until Rocksmith 2 is confirmed or BandFuse shows us something that we think is worth covering 🙂

  5. Definitely picking up the whole pack. Grew up listening to these guys, can't wait to play "When I'm Gone". Keep it up Rocksmith, and bring on the bass part!!!

  6. I guess I'll just get the full pack. I didn't even know these guys before Sunday and only listened to Loser and Kryptonite on youtube for a bit.
    I'm quite looking forward to playing these songs.

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