Rocksmith Remastered DLC 3/20/2018 – 2010s Mix IV

Hello Rocksmith fans!

Maybe they should call this pack UK 2010 Hits, because that’s definitely what this song pack contains!

As revealed over the weekend @TDCinemaClub’s What You Know (Tourist History – 2010), and @JamesBayMusic returns with his chart topping hit Hold Back the River (Chaos and the Calm – 2015). Today we learned (via Xbox AU) that the third track in this week’s pack is @bastilledan’s incredibly popular Pompeii (BΔD BLOOD – 2013).

2010s Mix IV – $7.99 / Steam

James Bay sure loves that D Standard tuning


Are you happy with this 2010 Mix of UK artists or were you hoping for something a bit more rockin? Let us know!

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36 thoughts on “Rocksmith Remastered DLC 3/20/2018 – 2010s Mix IV

  1. Wow, just trash. Someone completely s&@? the bed with this pack. World gone mad would’ve been the better pick and I can’t stand Bastille. That one song has more guitar than this whole pack combined. WTH?

  2. This was actually my favorite 2010’s pack so far, although it’s my least favorite decade for dlc packs. Two of these were fun to play on bass (the Bay song was just “okay”).

  3. I never heard of this Bastille band before, but their video has over 400 million views, so clearly I’m out of touch!

  4. I feel like this one should be named Modern Indie Rock pack, instead of 2010s Mix IV, because this is so very indie pop-rock oriented. Maybe its just my way of looking at things, but naming it after a decade seems like it would open it up to multiple genres, and not just focus on the indie pop-rock side of it. I’m not really familiar with these songs, so its not high on my list of things to purchase.

  5. I like the James Bay song. Not all that interested in learning to play it yet. Maybe later. (Still too much left over from 2017).

  6. Pompeii has a really fun bass part. Also I like it when they chart synth parts on guitar they are fun to play.

  7. ok, this is the tweet posted on the official rocksmith feed mere minutes after my comment

    Verified account
    17 minutes ago

    We don’t offer DLC simply to validate your personal musical tastes; we offer DLC out to teach you how to play guitar. Sometimes it’ll be music that’s new to you. Embrace that discovery! Return to the stuff that inspires you, but don’t be afraid to let new material in. #Rocksmith
    Well, as I don’t tweet, ill post my response here, as obviously it is heard here, and is as follows.
    1) I don’t need anybody to validate my musical tastes. tyvm.
    2) you don’t teach how to play the guitar, you teach how to play individual songs on guitar. if you taught guitar, there would be classes on theory and structure of music.
    3) if genre wasn’t important, where is kumbaya and he got the whole world in his hand?
    4) I will only pay you for songs I actually WANT to learn to PLAY.

    1. Yeah, I’ve noticed that they have a fun habit of giving cheeky responses to nonsensically toxic comments 🙂

      1. I wasn’t being mean, or hurtful, or slanderous, or nonsensical, or toxic. I am deeply saddened that you think so. if I left anyone with that opinion, I apologize. I was not toxic, rude, abusive, nor did I use profanity such as naha up there. I was only asking others to help me show ubisoft where their largest deposits of unmined gold was, so that they might legitimately believe that they could make a profit by releasing these artists. Artists who have sold millions of copies of their work elsewhere. rockband got a beatles license, its not impossible. and if you or ubisoft don’t want peoples voices to be heard vis a vis the type and quality of their dlc, the I humbly suggest that you abolish the comment section, and also the request site that ubisoft actually pays good money to maintain. I feel that possibly the only thing I may have done incorrectly was to not make sure my capslock was on before I posted my first comment. sorry about that. and perhaps my comment about Garbage. its not bad music Courtney love tries really hard. sorry if I offended anybody, I perhaps let myself be too free with my opinion. I believe rocksmith to be the best thing to happen to music since the church gave us the Modes. which may be why I hoped id learn to play the music that actually made me want to learn to play guitar. so, given that id only hoped to be a rallying point for others who shared my musical taste and showing that we collectively wanted certain stuff to be added to the collection of awesome tracks of DLC, and I have found only that others think I’m toxic and nonsensical, I shall henceforth be silent. thank you and goodnight.

        1. I agree with all your comments 110%, I have purchased zero this year as the DLC choices are not my personal taste in music. I will not pay for a song from an artist I never heard of, neither will I pay for COUNTRY music as this is ROCKSMITH, not CountrySMITH….I realize it may be nearly impossible to get the A-list bands, but as you say impossible is a word, just have to try harder sometimes.

          1. Define “Rock”.

            “I wanna rock right now
            I’m Rob Base and I came to get down
            I’m not internationally known
            but I’m know to rock the microphone”

  8. Wait, how is “Bastille Pompeii” charted with the guitar since I’m barely hearing the guitar sound on the original track? Rocksmith could at least get one of the songs from “The 1975” (rock band). I really like some of their songs!

      1. Yeah, I know their’s only a bass guitar in that song, but how about guitar though? Might check it out what it’s like tomorrow when it’s released


      1. the more people who demand it, the more likely it is to happen. and don’t whine about how hard it is, ive been playing rocksmith since it debuted, guess what? Playing the guitar is hard too, but we still keep trying. and some of us actually succeed. Impossible is just a word, its not an excuse.

        1. You improving as a guitarist is mostly up to you and the work you put in it. Rocksmith staff can ask a record label to license particular songs by the artists you want, but there’s no guarantee that they’ll get a “yes” or that the cost will be reasonable for a $3 per song DLC price point.

          1. the cost of licensing can be offset by large numbers of buyers. hence my appeal to everyone to make known that they want it and will buy it. also, as an aside, james bay isn’t even worth the 3$ download if you ask me, but id pay more for premium content. as a business strategy, it works. just ask CBS all access, HBO, amazon prime, Netflix. and now the mega conglomerate of the holy mouse, aka Disney.

            1. The issue with your original argument is that I think you overestimate how large Rocksmith’s paying customer base is. That base’s music tastes vary wildly from person to person and the subset of it that likes the bands you listed (not my cup of British tea) may not be enough to overcome any added licensing fees there may be compared to those of other artists. I’ve long acknowledged the reality that my favorite artists will be featured in DLC in only the rarest of occasions and that I can do any of the following: Wait for more DLC, or expand my musical preferences.

            1. That’s even if the record label is willing. Rocksmith’s team might not be willing to raise the per-song cost because it will encourage other artists to hold out for more money or it may turn off users who could think the price of all DLC could rise.

  10. Truly awful! In 2 of the 3 songs the presence of a guitar is barely noticeable and in the one where the guitar is noticeable it is about as annoying as early morning alarm clock.

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