Hello Rocksmith fans!
This week’s clue courtesy of @DanAmrich has been posted and solved and it looks like it’s time to go back to the 80s once again!
Let’s check out the clue.
Additionally two photos were tweeted out from @Rocksmithgame and @UbisoftStudioSF
and of course reddit got one as well
All JPEGs, so no hidden passwords 🙂

Cross another one off the list!
What else could be in store for the 80s Mix II? We have a few ideas…
What follows is speculation

You want a tough guitar solo? Ok, here you go… For an idea of how crazy it gets check out this plastic guitar video

Wait wait… This song isn’t about 1969 at all!

David Bowie √
Stevie Ray Vaughan √
Nile Rodgers √
Where’s that Bowie pack again?

Are you excited for another trip back to the 1980s? Are you excited to tackle this monstrous bass line care of Nathan East? Let us know!