Greetings Rocksmith fans!
Well, looks like this Tuesday we’ll be getting tracks from a band with members of Creed that managed to be much, much better than Creed. That’s right, it’s an Alter Bridge 4-pack!
Earlier in the week, Mr. Dan Amrich left us one of the most cryptic hints yet:
Amidst guesses of Sublime, The Black Keys, Dethklok, Franz Ferdinand, Spinal Tap, and countless other bands that could have all fit the clue, as well as lines of confusing code and generally cryptic hints, Ox1a4toke found an image embedded within that black square.
Over on our side, we had our guess… = ???
— TheRiffRepeater (@TheRiffRepeater) April 25, 2014
…but that was ultimately proven wrong. Finally, bubka122 guessed Alter Bridge, and the game was complete at last. We found out that we’d be receiving an Alter Bridge 4-pack.
Addicted to Pain
More often than not, when a band has a recent album out, they like to promote that recent album. What better way to do so than with some music game DLC! Here we have the first single from the 2013 album Fortress, and boy is it a great one. With a ripping guitar part, it’s a perfect fit for Rocksmith!
Dan explicitly stated that this song was coming in his forum post, so naturally we had to include it in the post!
Come to Life
Did you ever play Guitar Hero: Van Halen? If you did, then you’ll remember this great song that totally made sense in a game devoted to the music of 70s/80s arena rock band Van Halen!
Ties That Bind
Do you agree with our choices or do you think we’re absolutely nuts? Let us know in the comments!
Rise Today is in!
“Get ready to change this world”
Gotta have Rise Today and their BEST SONG BY FAR – Open your eyes!
Cult of personnality (CM Punk)
Metallingus (Edge)
Next one ?
Motorhead – The Game (HHH)
Yes! I would buy this in a heartbeat! Blackbird will be an amazing addition, that song is a masterpiece.
I would also like to see “Watch Over You” for some rhythm fun and “Open Your Eyes” “cuz that solo is killer.
I am surprised to seeing such a positive response. So used to people bitching when they could just be playing guitar instead. I do not know Alterbridge, I knew Creed but did not like their music. After watching these videos this band looks to have a lot to offer. Can’t wait!! 🙂
I’ve seen both creed and alterbridge a couple of times. I’ll probably pick this up.
I would Love to have “Open Your Eyes”
I played way too much Madden 2005 back and this song was on the soundtrack.
Would love a creed pack also
What if…
Wow….”members of Creed” has got to be about the least confidence-inspiring phrase I’ve ever read. I won’t be touching this pack with a ten-foot pole.
ye a cunt, ‘Arry
Then it really shows how childish and biased your thought processes are.
Not at all. I know a number of people who consider Creed the worst band in the world. I think they’re probably one of the ten worst bands in the world. They are the epitome of bland, vanilla radio “rock.” Now consider the pure number of bands in the world. Hell, consider the amount of bands available in Rocksmith. Why in the fuck would I spend my hard-earned money on DLC of a band featuring members of one of the lamest bands on Earth? Why would I even take the time to listen to the band, when there is a virtually limitless supply of other bands that *don’t* contain said members are are therefore inherently much less likely to suck balls? There’s a reason that music critics always hated Creed no matter how well they did commercially.
Because having members in common automatically makes bands the same musically? Especially when said members aren’t the singer. And if you want to bring critics into this, they’re actually pretty fond of AB.
Did you read what I said at all? Because I took great pains to say that having members in common with Creed does not mean that the band will suck or be the same musically. It means that the band is more likely to suck than the gazillion bands out there that don’t have members of Creed in them.
As for your fictitious statement about critics, from Wikipedia:
“However, in spite of this enormous commercial success, Creed was poorly received by professional critics, such as Robert Christgau.”
Although that’s Creed, not AB….
“Did you read what I said at all? Because I took great pains to say that having members in common with Creed does not mean that the band will suck or be the same musically.”
Did you even read what you said at all? Because nothing in your comment alludes to that, let alone “took great pains” to say it. And no matter how you spin it, refusing to even give a band a chance based SOLELY on who’s in it is still closed-minded as hell.
Woo!!!!!! 😈
What if… I liked Creed??
Although yeah, they could have been way better if Scott Stapp wasn’t a dick.
I don’t mind Creed in a nostalgic sort of way 😉
😯 nobody thought about The Black box Revelation….talking about the clue 😛
This version of blackbird sounds nothing like the original by the Beatles maybe its just a different take on the classic
Here’s a different take on a classic
Hopefully, if we’re very lucky, the songs will be down-tuned, full of power chords and palm mutes again 🙄
I really just can’t understand all the hate about this that comes from some people. I have really never listened to Alter bridge or some of the other DLC bands but that never warrants more than a “meh” reaction, since there are just so many other songs available to fully learn. If in the slight chance you have some how mastered all the RS songs,STFU, get social, go out, start a band and start making music!
I think one song from each of the 4 albums will be represented…
Addicted To Pain
Never heart about Alter Bridge but they sound good … I don’t understand why this should be Pop-Metal but anyway … I’m getting rid of these virulent brainless posts from kids who failt in getting a social behaviour. Zombies .. This is no official ubisoft side … Elliott is doing this in his freetime and it makes me really sad that you posts your brainless fuXX onto his pages. Shame on you!
I like how some people are raging over Alter Bridge just because Ubisoft didn’t get “that one band” said people wanted next Tuesday. Get over it. C’est la vie.
i just wanna say fuck you to rocksmith for making me spend 60bucks to buy a game that at the time had awesome dlc available that was in january , now for the last 2 months there has been the fall of bandfuse and the secret merger which give rocksmith all license rights to all harmonix (songs in rockband games)
so while everyone is jacking off to this alter 1 hit wonder bridge and 90s spin doctors harmonix is laughing at you because there making twice the money because your downloading the same song from the same source twice and btw you might as well kill yourself your already dead
Jeebus, buddy. Lighten up.
Not only was there tons of overlap with Rock Band way before January, there’s been less Rock Band songs since January than songs not in Rock Band, with this pack only adding to that.
You’ve been warned twice about spreading misinformation. You are now banned from commenting
awwwww what is this the fbi now because of that you hurt my feelings and i’m going to slit my wrists goodbye cruel world
and it is real information prove to me its not u can’t so ha
> get the kleenex
Why? There is nothing to wank over in this post.
Yeah… The Alter Bridge pack on Rock Band was so good…
Godsmack > Alterbridge
Complete silence > Alter Bridge
Just kidding. 😀 They’re not my cup o’ tea but obviously not every weekly DLC is gonna be a hit with every single person who owns this game. I’m actually quite happy about this week’s content because it shows they’re still mixing it up with the variety. I hope they keep up the good work!
Alter bridge lacks attitude. It’s like their guitarists are begging the lead singer to get serious at any time but fails to complete the task. Alter bridge is like the typical generic intro to an anime.
Nobody likes this shitty band, what the fuck is wrong with you
looks like mommy will be saving a few bucks again this week
Don’t impersonate other users please.
This joke is not funny
Literally nobody cares what you think, kill yourself.
Literally? Ha… Love you, boo
Kill yourself if you’re going to respond to DLC like that.
I see you’re still very over the top with your trolling. If you hate rhythm games so much, perhaps you should find another hobby instead of smearing your brain feces on Riff Repeater.
>Implying he has a brain.
Nice meme arrows.
Do you realize how many people play this game? do you real think every week there like “man i hope david lane like this or were F**KED” NOPE cause your a trolling piece of shit mmmmmk
Getting the type of riffs Alter Bridge plays to sound crisp and clean is a challenge for me, I look forward to working on this style of riffage come tuesday 🙂
The hunt for the Dlc was epic this week on the Ubi’s forum, and it was a lot of fun, but i’m a bit disappointed it finish with that band i don’t really like..
it gives me suicidal tendencies..!
and so, i have been searching on Deezer (a very famous streaming music site in france), and Alter Bridge has 55 552 fans, when Suicidal Tendencies has 17 582… 🙁
very sad world we live…
Suicidal Tendencies rocks! IMO However the word “Suicidal” probably keeps it from being marketable by Rocksmith. Rocksmith goes for mainstream mediocrity it seems.
Because Alter Bridge is really mainstream…
Well if you see the last months’s DLC you have a lot of variety. Sure Suicidal Tendencies is great, but there are many other bands which are too.
Just ask them on twitter, maybe there’s some Suicidal Tendencies coming?
BTW Maroon 5 was mainstream mediocrity.
Maroon 5 is past mediocre and delves deeper in crapitude. Twitter cries with mediocrity and needs to die since NSA pretty much camp it on a regular basis.
i don’t have twitter, so i can’t ask them directly.. if you have one, feel free to ask them! but i did use their “request a song app”… several times!
Suicidal tendencies, with their name and lyrics, could be difficultly marketable, but
Institutionalized was in guitar hero 2.. so, i still have a hope..! 🙂
BTW marron5 is close to unlistenable…
Don’t really listen to Alter Bridge but I remember liking their Guitar Hero songs well enough. They seem really well suited to Rocksmith so I’ll see how I like the songs they ended up picking and consider getting the pack based on that.
I’m so happy! I’ve been a huge fan of Alter Bridge since the beginning. Learning to play these songs will be difficult, but rewarding. I can’t stop watching live AB videos on YouTube now, Tuesday can’t come soon enough.
Coming up with a 4 pack is so difficult.
1) Blackbird
2) Isolation or Addicted to Pain
3) Maybe something a bit more beginner friendly like Rise Today
4) One of the two songs from GH (But in this case,why wouldn’t it just be a 5 pack? 😛
i would love
open your eyes
cour d'alene
well technically i'd like all 4 albums plus bonus tracks but thats wishful thinking 😛
My vote is for:
Cry of Achilles
Watch Over You
Ghost of Days Gone By
I want to understand why Rocksmith picks certain music. I want to like Rocksmith choices but unfortunately I cannot. Maybe Rocksmith could offer a way of voting in from a list of choices somehow we the players at least feel we have influence.
They do have the Facebook app that you can submit songs on. But considering the design team is very active on twitter, I’d say that this DLC is the result of about the five people that have been begging them for it. Also, living in America I didn’t realize until awhile ago, but they’re huge in Europe (I believe around as big as Avenged Sevenfold is here), so it’ll go over very well there. They headlined an arena tour over Shinedown and Halestorm.
No thanks. Seems like some boring bass
Doesn’t seem that interesting for this bass player, i’ll pass.
This song could be fun
Yeah… The bass on Ties That Bind is literally only going on all the time… Mr. Marshall is actually a brilliant bassist. Don’t judge him on Creed. Or are you one for some golden gates rather?
I'll buy any songs in this pack ! YES !
Tremonti is pretty good. I’ll allow it.
i’m really getting sick of ubisoft’s dlc silverchair was the best thing to happen since the boston pack everything else including this alter bridge is complete crap and should be 50cents not 3 dollars
Ow the edge.
I totally get not like Alter Bridge and all, but to say they somehow aren’t “rock” is beyond ridiculous. At least all those times people moaned about Rock Band’s DLC not fitting in *ROCK* Band it was for songs that were actually in other genres.
Moar Nirvana?
Moar RHCP?
Moar Deftones?
Nope, let’s put some unknown alt metal band…
i agree 100% there’s putting out all this garbage and people are all
😛 over it so there holding all the good stuff like the bands you mentioned till people stop downloading the junk
This is going to sell amazingly in Europe, they’re huge over there.
yeah, i don’t know…
i listen to metal since like 20 years and i never heard about them, neither my friends did… but that’s maybe because we don’t listen to “radio metal”..
but as i can see, they have a big fans base in here.. well… 😐
i’m still glad if some people like it and buy this DLC, so Ubi gets more money, and maybe they will use it to license (again for some of those) the bands that Floder mentioned..
i’m still waiting for RATM badly..
Alter Bridge? Unknown? Yeah, they’re less known than Nirvana/RHCP/Deftones/RATM. For a relatively newer band, they’re pretty well known. They have a HUGE live following.
Yes I am very happy Alter Bridge.
Overwhelming excitement. Will buy any song that is included.
I have been waiting for this day (tuesday) for months.
Happy Rocksmithing to all.
edit: just wanted to add, as much as I was wishing for AB in rocksmith, I didn’t have very high hopes considering Myles Kennedy is Slash’s vocalist, and was featured already on Bandfuse. I thought for sure Bandfuse would have scored them just with that affiliation. R.I.P. bandfuse
I had the same thought about AB DLC, maybe Hendrix will come to RS in 2014 after all (RHCP and Soundgarden got packs in Rock Band due to Guitar Hero exclusivity cut short from the death of that franchise).
And that’s a fact? Or something you’ve made up?
That’s pretty cool :p
I hope your choice will be there because it’s pretty cool! (I absolutely want Ties That Bind – or Ties that Blind as a lot of people once said in their life.
I don’t know this band, but these are going to be fun and challenging to learn, so I’m happy!
challening is freebird not this band its just pretend hard rock nothing difficult but powerchords and weak 20 second solos
Why do people make up blatant lies about DLC just to justify their hatred for it? Is it that important for you to rain on other people’s parade that you have to go beyond criticisms based in reality?
You are aware Freebird is like 50% acoustic chords on the Rocksmith chart? People don’t all want what you do , be happy the game is getting any support and that enough people are supporting Ubisoft to give them the opportunity to provide even more DLC in the future.
The tab of freebird is bad in Rocksmith unfortunately, also miss a guitar 😥
Freebird = challenging, Hangar 18, Satch Boogie, Cliffs of Dover = INSANE!
Absolutely brilliant. Best yet by a mile. Can pick any of theur songs they are all brilliant.
Yes. Yes . Yes . Yes. Best yet by a million miles. I would buy every single one of theirs. Would buy the game and a ps3 just to play this dlc. Have all their albums and all their tab books. Heres a very happy bunny.
I am the greatest!
I’ve never heard of Alter Bridge, so I am glad I could listen to the speculation songs. Wow! This band is incredible!!! I can’t wait to play some of these songs! (Thanks ToyMachinesh for all the hard work you and everyone else at TRR does for the RS fans!) I had to have some surgeries in January, and I am in the hospital recovering from my 3rd surgery since. I have barely been able to pick up my guitars since and am itching to play again, but I have been keeping up with DLC and always check this site on Friday/Saturday for news. Thanks again TRR!
Thank you for your support, it means a lot to us! Hope you recover fast and get back to playing 😀
My guess is exactly the same as the creator of this article (there has only been 2 songs in music games):
Ties That Bind
Come to Life
Addicted to Pain
Good speculation: I hope Ties that bind in the pack
Hell yeah! Mark Tremonti.
I hope for Metalingus…it will always remind me of Edge
Best entrance Song ever ❗
Cheesy annoying pop metal!! Super! I want 2 dozens and a pack of tampons!
And you party-poopers thought it was slayer…Gonna need barf bags this week..
How is Alter Bridge pop metal?
Alter bridge is Alternative metal friend 😀
Of course they are.
You don’t know your genres very well, do you?
I’m guessing you think that they’re pop metal because they have a vocalist who lives up to his job description?
guys pop metal was barely a compliment to this ridiculous band. They are nothing but metal for low self-steemed teens and pms chicks. They don’t belong to any genre, they’re androginous crap…
I’m not a fan of Miles Kennedy’s voice, but what’s with the weird misogyny in your post? “Pms chicks”?
Agree with Mocha. Would you please cite the survey that found what those two demographics like musically? Your comments aren’t adding anything to the conversation.
Myles Kennedy is an awesome singer, good choice.
I am not in the crowd 😉
This will definitely be a crowd pleaser. My 4-Pack:
Ties That Bind