Hello Rocksmith fans!
We got the newsletter, and with it comes three out of three hints for what awaits us this month for Rocksmith Remastered DLC!
Let’s see what UbiVertigo and @UbisoftStudioSF are hinting at for June shall we?
We’re in your arms
This has a bunch of possibilities! Also, let’s get this out of the way if you forgot…

80s Mix VII?

DAE Bam Margera?

Not likely

Foo Fighters III?

Bon Jovi II?

Everlasting Arms?

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Out of our minds
Got a few ideas about this one…


Obviously it’s a Wilco pack

Kind of a stretch

pffftt this isn’t The Way

2000s Mix VII?

I really just want Girls on Film
we’ll see you again

We’ll see U again, U2 II?

Nice, it’s a Wiz Khalifa pack!+

nice meme

Do you like American Music?

Well I’ll see ya
What do you think @UbisoftStudioSF and @Rocksmithgame are hinting at this month? Do these hints excite you? Let us know!