Rocksmith 2014 DLC 11/03/2015 – Hit Singles II

Hello Rocksmith fans!

It’s time for another Hit Singles pack and this one definitely delivers with songs from @DavidBowieReal, @DefLeppard, @Foghat, and @Wolfmother!

We aren’t sure as to exactly what version of Slow Ride we are getting, but hopefully it’s one with an awesome bass outro!

Hit Singles II – $9.99 / Steam

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Do you think this pack is befitting of Hit Singles, maybe even more so then it’s predecessor? Or is this still not your thing? Let us know!

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62 thoughts on “Rocksmith 2014 DLC 11/03/2015 – Hit Singles II

  1. Would love to see more Def Leppard, surprised no ZZ Top,Scorpions. I loved metal, I mean if hour going to through hairbands in ( Cinderella, Warrant) get it right.

  2. Def Leppard Theory

    I’d like to revisit something, hinted at earlier in the year.

    We got Rock of Ages a month or so ago. Now we’re getting Hysteria. Is Ubisoft whetting the appetite for a possible full Def Leppard pack within the next two months?

    If not, then I’m guessing they’ll be piecemealing this thing like they’re doing with Heart.

  3. I am on crack. I needed a music history lesson from PJ to determine what I like better. Foghat is OK. DL is OK. I like the Wolfmother track…I don’t know enough about them to care if I get a pack. I like what I like…and per PJ that must be crack. I know what my inner Dice Clay would love so say to douche, but I shall refrain. Enjoy your time in moronville. Something tells me you call it home. jk PJ have a nice day and say no to drugs.

  4. Ok, played all of em. I think Wolfmother and Bowie are really nice. I wasn’t that excited about Def Leppard…but I haven’t listened to them since ’88. It really took me back. Nice. I love Hysteria. Then there was foghat. Ok, whatever. I like the way it is played on lead, gotta try bass since someone mentioned the outro. I hardly ever bass. Overall I looked at the songs so far released and it isn’t my iPod list, but it is nice. Really want some Cult and some more STP and Megadeth and some DMB. Clapton would be sweet. U2 too. Ok said all that, overall I am grinning. I also played some Sum 41 last night and that is starting to grow on me.

    1. Hysteria is the weakest song of the four, but it’s not bad. I would have been happier with something from High N’ Dry or Pyromania, but it’s all good. I’m having the most fun with Ziggy Stardust. I would love more packs like this, preferable from 60’s to 80’s bands.

      1. Can tell these 2 guys r on crack…. Foghats dlow ride is a song that transcends a generation and def leppard also is a band when they came out everyone bought the album…. Wolfmother sucks soooooo bad is laughable that ur asking for a entire pack of that crap…. And Bowie is Bowie blaaahhhhh!

  5. Slow Ride has a special place in my heart…here’s why
    for when I was 16 & she was 10 she used to listen to her older brothers and I jam to this song on guitar.
    10 years later when I was 26 & she was 20 she walks into a bar I was hanging out at and puts Slow Ride on the jukebox & walks up and asks….do you remember me..?
    I said yes I do remember you and she then asked are you going to take me for a Slow Ride ?…………and I did …….and did…………and did
    talk about your Oingo Boingo

    1. Yes, Slow Ride has a special place in my heart, too. I remember getting busy with my first real girlfriend in the back seat of my buddy’s car, grooving on valium and 100 proof vodka, while Slow Ride was playing. The next thing I remember is semi-waking up fully dressed in front of my house and falling out of the car and stumbling in and going to bed.

      Take it easy indeed. 🙂

  6. Russell yes and no , ziggy stardust makes me more hard but its still dl tough and slow ride is fun but but in open e… Now i drop in eb to play ace of spades and some kiss look foward to drop till thèm bones i got an urgent envy to play it ….. If we could get some buckethead in drop c that would be orgasmic

  7. Is it the full 8 minute version of slow ride or the short one? Because after doing a great job charting hocus pocus, there is no reason they could not do the 8 minute slow ride. I will not buy it if they did the short version.

      1. Guess not, I know the dlc staff is capable of charting the full version so I wont be buying it on a matter of principle. Now we wont ever be able to get the full version on rocksmith, all because someone got lazy. Great job guys.

        1. That or the rightholders were being jerkwads but the radio edit and full version should be owned by the same person right?

            1. We get the versions of the songs we can get. Not all versions of songs that you’ve heard on albums or in the radio are available for licensing, for whatever reason. This is why we sometimes use re-records from the original artists, as the versions that were made popular on the radio were not obtainable.

              I think Jarred did a good job with Slow Ride, and at no point in his responsibilities on this track did he exhibit any behavior I would call lazy.

              Sorry it’s not what you were hoping for, in any case.

              1. I too would have preferred the long version of slow ride but I’m just happy to have it at all. This was a great pack. Thanks to all who made it happen.

  8. Finished Word now Time to béât that shit out stardust slow ride …. Hysteria thats because ill love def and fucking really damnely hope that whole pyromanie and the rest of hysteria is coming on christmas

    1. I too hope there is more DL on the way, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with hysteria. Just finished an 80 min session playing the pack, mostly hysteria. The arpeggios are fun.

  9. Sure, i love Slow Ride and Ziggy Stardust. But the other 2. I have a problem with them.

    Wolfmother is OK. But it feels wrong. It sounds like Mars Volta. Only without the spanglish, Cedric’s vocals and Omar’s crazy guitars. Also, this song is kinda boring. But really OK.

    Def Leppard is (at least, for me) a chore to listen (and play) through. You better be a lead guitarist, because rhythm and bass look boring as hell. Lead isn’t too impressive either. There’s that “solo” and that’s it. Maybe it’s just me.

  10. Take all except Hysteria. Too many other great Leppard songs to be happy bout that one. How about Bringing on the Heartbreak or Too Late For Love, or more from Pyromania. Please.

      1. Gods of War is a totally underrated tune. Steve’s intro and chorus riffs and Phil’s verse riffs are near perfection imo.

  11. I’ll probably be in the minority here, but the only song I’ll be picking up is Joker and the Thief. While the other songs are classics, I would have picked other songs from them. Oh well, you can’t win them all. Enjoy everyone. 🙂

      1. one could argue that volbeat , breaking benjamin and faith no more both have metal elements to them. Im thinking your specifically thinking of thrash style of metal. So yes, variety…but im sure we will get more :). I think another megadeath pack could easily be in order very soon 😉

        1. true @joseph, i like individual bands rather than dismissing sub genres but i’m currently lacking heavy stuff. we haven’t had anything like that for half a year so thats not a variety issue @YYZ

          Danzig (no.1 on my wish list!) isn’t heavy in distortion terms but its heavy music. give me some DARK! my money is ready

  12. Well OK. I like Bowie and Hysteria tape got worn out in my tape deck. Foghat and Wolfmother are OK too. Still haven’t blown my fuse with excitement, but OK. This will at least put Def Leppard up to 3 songs. More Bowie is cool too.

  13. Why are the Texas blues not getting any love in this game. Chris Duarte would make a nice addition. Srv wouldn’t be bad either.

  14. No not hysteria , theres 200 song way better by def leppard i ll still buy thèm all but ah … When i saw def i was hard now im semi hard ?

  15. I haven’t been this excited for a pack for ages.
    Gonna be buying the whole pack. Result!!

    If this is the standard of dlc for the whole month I am gonna be a happy man!!

    Oh and please can we have a pack from The Cult!

  16. Nice one Rocksmith – I understand its not for everyone, but to be fair it is classic rock tunes and not some carbage nobody’s heard of for a change! I will pick up all 4 of these tunes – keep this genre of music coming !!! oh yeah – The Cult next please !!!!

  17. Hysteria!!!! My favorite song! Yes this is a great pack. Wolfmother eh, but the rest are great. The new Def Leppard album isn’t that good, so I’m glad to see they got hysteria instead of getting early rights to a new song.

  18. We don’t even know if Ziggy wrote his own songs, but who cares? Any time we can get some music from another time and space, it’s all good! IMHO??

  19. Foghat wins. The others a good enough to maybe consider downloading at some point down the road. Excluding Hysteria, that is. What a terrible song. Even by 80s glam-metal ballad standards, it’s pretty bad.

  20. All of these songs sound great. I hope to eventually master them all. Keep the music coming Rock Smith and keep the updates of the Music Riff Repeater.

  21. Slow Ride! And Ziggy Stardust, too. But, I requested Foghat. I’ll pretend I’m driving to get concert tickets with Matthew McConaughey in the 70s.

  22. It’s alright. I’m not getting the first two but I’m in for Def Leppard. I’ll wait to see the chart for Foghat. Love the song but don’t know if I want learn it.

  23. Ha, everyone was ready to hate after hearing wolfmother(which i think is a nice modern addition) and we end up getting more D.L, D.B and a classic from foghat…people can relax…it is indeed a great pack 🙂 😛

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