Well Rocksmith fans, the time has to come to crown your winner of Best DLC of 2014!
It seems like either there were a lot of @Weezer fans, or perhaps they are just more dedicated to winning the poll, because out of 1,068 votes 326 of them (31%) were for the nerdy quartet with @JimiHendrix coming in a close second with 301 votes (28%). Honourable mention goes to Bachsmith which was able to pull 239 votes (22%) securing the third place spot for 2014!
While we aren’t exactly sure if Weezer fans exploited anonymous votes or not, it doesn’t matter. They are disabled for this round and we can’t fault our readers for being that passionate about their favourite DLC (or band) released last year.
Here we go!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-91COi15fzk | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT8JPbCg-ws |
Best UbisoftSF Stream Moment of 2014
There were some great moments on the first year of the weekly @Twitch @UbisoftStudioSF Stream, which one was your favourite?
Anthony Martinez and Gregory Barr – 12 Bar Blues Tutorial
David Stevens vs. Brian McCune “Gone Wailin”
Shane tackles Bulls On Parade’s solo
Jason Kocol plays “Cliffs of Dover”
Sam Schwartz shreds “Seventeen”
Halloween Stream “The Killers”
Nicholas Bonardi and Shane Jam on Session Mode
Favourite Rocksmith Video of 2014
Just a few of the memorable ones!

Thanks for voting!