Today’s Rocksmith DLC features #1 Hit Singles from Blondie, Rick Springfield, and Tommy Tutone!
While these songs may sound like cookie cutter pop songs to the untrained ear, you may be surprised at the complexity of some of these arrangements, and a track like Jessie’s Girl can definitely offer enough replay value to make it worth the purchase. Oh and in case you were wondering, 867-5309/Jenny is indeed the original track from 1981, no re-record here folks.
Rock Hits 80s 4 (Singles)
• Blondie “Call Me” – Combo / Combo 2 / Single Note – [XBL] / Steam
• Rick Springfield “Jessie’s Girl” – Combo / Combo 2 – [XBL] / Steam
• Tommy Tutone “867-5309/Jenny” – Combo / Combo 2 – [XBL] / Steam

That wraps up DLC for May! What does June hold for the Rocksmith DLC content? Could it be heavier music? Could I get the Sublime pack I’ve always wanted on my birthday week? (June 28th) Or will we finally have some news of Rocksmith 2 as E3 is only 13 days from now!
Comment, and let us know what you think!