Rocksmith 2014 DLC 8/11/2015 – Social Distortion


Greetings Rocksmith fans!

@DanAmrich’s hint has been solved and we definitely know what’s coming next week to Rocksmith 2014!

Let’s take a look at how it went down this week.

As usual with gifs, there’s something that comes to those that decrypt it with the right password.

Again another password was required, but clearly those numbers meant something.

Putting that together helped people figure it out.

We weren’t quite done yet, though.


That’s right, this week’s DLC comes to us courtesy of the rockabilly tinged punk legends Social Distortion! Thanks to some trickery on the PlayStation Online Store (the same trickery that we saw a couple weeks ago during the Regal Singles week) we know that four of the band’s hits are included this week, spanning 14 years of albums. First off, from 1990’s Social Distortion we have (arguably) their most popular song Story of My Life (that certainly counts as something autobiographical!), as well as one of the Social D songs I’ve wanted in a music game forever in Ball and Chain! Next, we move to 1992 and the album Somewhere Between Heaven & Hell where we find another fan favourite in Bad Luck. Finally, we end in 2004 with the song Reach for the Sky from the album Sex, Love and Rock n’ Roll.

I know I myself am really excited for this pack. Social Distortion are one of my favourite bands, and I had the pleasure of seeing them front row a couple years ago when they played Yonge Dundas Square for NXNE. They put on an absolutely incredible show, and the guitar work in their songs is absolutely awesome!

Social Distortion Song Pack – $9.99 / Steam


So, does this DLC make you feel like When the Angels Sing, or are you in Another State of Mind about it? Let us know in the comments!

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95 thoughts on “Rocksmith 2014 DLC 8/11/2015 – Social Distortion

  1. Wow. I had no interest in this pack at all when I read about it but after watching the bass videos above, I’m off to the shop to buy the pack. They look a bit repetitive but fun nonetheless!

  2. This pack is sick!! Killrttracks; great on acooustic; can give it country bounce and those bassgroove!!! And ivdidnotvplay story of my life yet

  3. Will we ever see another folk rock pack? Even if it’s more Dylan (which I wouldn’t be complaining about…)

  4. This band is a little too pop rock for my tastes. If they were going to do a punk pack, I would rather have had Rancid, Bad Religion, Propagandhi, or about a dozen others. Not for me. Pass.

    1. I love bad religion, but rancid is something that makes my ears bleed. Imo social Distortion is decent feel good punk that i can definitely get into.

      But yes bring on bad religion and pennywise!

      1. I like Rancid (Let’s Go, aOCTW) but their later stuff is extremely poppy to me. I think a Social Distortion pack is a step in the right direction if we are hoping to eventually get something a bit more raw.

        1. bad religion has to be added i mean it was on bandfuse so that is almost a given. I would like to see a variety pack of Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Dicks, Minor Threat and anything else that makes moms start groups to protect children from obscentity

          1. and we will encourage you to continue!
            Or we will say stop.
            And then seriously, you must stop,
            Or penalties will be created and enforced.

            Cause listen…
            This is the problem…

            ?Sometimes you follow your heart,
            sometimes your heart cuts a fart. ?

  5. I’m in. I had only heard story of my life and ball and chain prior to this post but I like all of these after listening to them. Sounds like some decent bass lines too

  6. Social D! Very nice, would have liked When She Begins but I’m certainly not complaining, just wishing for 1 more:)

  7. How about some Testament? Return to Serenity would be epic, even if u don’t like metal you would like that song, and that solo just builds u up, breaks u down n builds u up again! So good it puts tears in my eyes if it catches me in the right mood

  8. Children of Bodom would be sick, I’d love to try out Tie My Rope, that solo just floors me every time! Alexi Laiho is the absolute man! CoB is pretty far from power metal I think, synth aside of course

    1. make sure you hit the song request app and actually ask for some of the stuff you want!!. I would insta-buy COB and have put requests in for at least 20+ songs.
      Might see them one day =)

      1. Almost all the blue album wouldmake me soohappy the only pack that could rivalise with it is some buckethead and RandyRhoads

        My 3 fav guitarist but they ré too good for rocksmith so i ll keep learning all by myself ,cause that day will never come

    1. Rocksmith doesn’t support a lot of slipknots low tunings and STP has been going threw legal issues. STP is one of the last bands I still really want to see on here. Them and Blind Mellon.

    2. I’ve actually requested quite a bit of STP. Got to deal with whether or not Ubisoft pursues that, and whether or not the artist/publisher accountants, etc. gives the green-light. (<yep requested Doyle Bramhall too). May not happen so don't get your hopes up. There's a lot of music to get to and so many genres still untouched.

      Note: Thanks to input by our fellow posters, I acquired RS1. Vaseline by STP is in that version and can be imported over to RS2014. Not much but it's a start.

  9. Maybe it’s whoever will pay them enough for being promoted in the game… pickings are getting slim. They’ll never have Journey, AC/DC, Metallica, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Prince, Springsteen… or even bands we’ve heard of from the 90s… Hootie, Barena ked Ladies, Goo Goo Dolls, Counting Crows

        1. Green day could have way better song , and by way better i mean way fckin better hope youll understand…

          If i didnt write this end message almost all of you might understand anything you wanna want everything before dookie is awesome , and yeah some before american idiots too but the pourcentage drop album after album

  10. I’m another that haven’t heard of these guys… After listening too them I know why… Boring pop punk crap

  11. This is alright I guess, definitely better than last weeks speculations. These songs sound too easy though, I want to be challenged again!

  12. Weird that it took this long for Ball and Chain in a game. That’ll probably be the one I buy if I get anything.

  13. Totally no idea who these guys are. Seems they were mainly around during music’s dead years after 1979.

  14. About time!!! Social distortion … Only asked for this in the original rocksmith game .. Better late than never I guess.

    1. Social Distortion are complete suck wad sell outs. Do you remember they sounded like before they sold out? BTW, their songs fucking suck shit.

      1. This retarded comment mes it seem like you just want everyone to know you have the same intelligence as a glass of water.
        And what the hell does your inability to understand other people have to do with music?
        Jeez, read a book!

    2. Yeah, because that’s how the world works. We’re all here to satisfly YOU!
      I’m sooo sorry we’re not giving you everything you want the second you ask for it.
      Let me guess. You’re 12 years old? And your mommy and daddy haven’t had the time to raise you?

  15. Gotta say that Social Distortion is one of my favourite bands. I was concerned the affiliation with Bandfuse might have caused some licensing issues and would never see them in Rocksmith

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I’m sure five finger death punch will come along soon another bandfuse relic

      1. Im sure most of bandfuse lineup we will see, it already seems that we are slowly knocking out artists they had exclusively at the time.Im predicting a big coldplay and five finger pack this fall. Also any bands you see in the new rock band games as tracks or dlc might hint at future artist that could be willing to be rocksmith dlc.

  16. too much like ‘frat rock’ for my tastes. Balls. Never anything I like in my birthday week, 3 years in a row.

  17. Ill be here wit my homie up there Symbolic and wait for some more metal. I feel power metal next. Like Children of Bodom would be pretty sick. Maybe some Arch Enemy.

    1. Children of Bodom would be AWESOME!. Anything from Follow the Reaper would be killer. Was never a big Arch Enemy fan, but I am happy Jeff Loomis plays for them now. Another band I would LOVE to see on Rocksmith is Death. 🙂

  18. I was never big on Social Distortion much. So for me, I might just pick up Bad Luck. Hope those who requested these guys enjoy… I’ll be here waiting for more metal lol. 🙂

    1. While I think we’ll get very close to completion of the main setlist, it’ll never be fully complete because of “One”.

  19. Unlike the previous two commenters, I’m excited about this. I think the songs will be a lot of fun and will still be accessible to newer players. I really wish they could have snuck a fifth song in there (Machine Gun Blues or I Was Wrong) but I’ll take it!

      1. Im pretty surprised machine gun blues was not in the line up, when a big single like that is omitted i always hope its because they are saving it for the next on disk segment. Kinda like chop suey, pardon me , welcome to paradise , and im sure we can name a hundred others 🙂

    1. Are you seriously saying you have never heard of Social Distortion? Their first album came out in like ’83 or something

      1. Not really, I’m not a big Social Distortion fan but to say “they are out of artists” is spreading false information. I’m not going to let people outright lie about stuff like this, sorry.

        1. I think we still have tons of more artist to hit , but after the big fall run and prob after jan next year i think we might start getting more singles packs to thicken up some artist or generas and hit some well known and not so well known one offs. Maybe up to a themed variety pack once a month, which id have no prob with. I would be surprised if they started doing artist packs 2 alot , maybe a couple at xmas, be reeally surprised if they did anymore , maybe one in summer, but i think instead we will just see more singles packs

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