What’s up Rocksmith fans!
Here we are once again with brand new Rocksmith content. This week we’ve got a three pack from Papa Roach, a hard rock band from California. These guys have been banded together since 1993 and have released 8 albums since then. They are one of the biggest bands working out there these days, and it’s great to see them in Rocksmith, I’d imagine that they were heavily requested. The three songs we got are some of their biggest hits too. Let’s break them down.
Getting Away With Murder (D Drop C)

I was least familiar with this song going into the pack, but I do vaguely recognize the hook. Anyway, this song is very unenjoyable on lead. There are octave tremolos on the orange and purple strings, and the chorus is full of awkward barre chords (I’m not amazing at guitar, so that might be why I didn’t like the chart very much, so take this with a grain of salt, awkward power/barre chords might not be my thing, but maybe they’re yours.) The rhythm chart is MUCH more enjoyable. Everything I hated about the lead is replaced with easier one finger power chords. If you like straightforward, go with rhythm on this one. Bass is straightforward, root notes following the rhythm chart pretty much. Catchy song, pick it up if you wanna, but no one’s telling you to.
Last Resort (Drop D)
This is Papa Roach’s biggest hit, no question. We all knew this one would be included. The second you hear “CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES” all will be right with the world. We start out with some weird shaped power chords that are heavily inspired by Green Day’s “Brain Stew”. Before you know it, you’re thrown into that infamous riff that every guitarist should know how to play. It’s a great opportunity to learn how to alternate pick multiple strings in a pattern as well. The chorus has simple one finger power chords and octaves making it super simple to headbang as you strum. Rhythm replaces the awesome riff with more Brain Stew chords, but it’s the same chart besides that. Bass is once again, a single note representation of the rhythm. If you’re a (lead) guitarist, pick this one up, you’ll impress all the teenagers of the 2000’s.
Scars (Eb Drop Db)

I was REALLY hoping this song would be included. According to Rocksmith, this song came out in 2004, so I would’ve been 10 years old (feel old yet?) I’m pretty sure this is the first Papa Roach song I ever heard, and to this day it’s still my favorite. I always wanted it to come to Guitar Hero or Rock Band but it never did. Anyways, all gushing aside, the lead chart is actually pretty disappointing. Outside of the awkward chords in the verses, it’s just long echo-y notes. If you really wanna experience this song, play it on rhythm. The chords are still odd in spots, but it’s worth it to learn this great song. Bass is interesting, with some mini licks thrown in between the main melody once in a while. We’re also treated to some bass chords, so there’s that. Good stuff. If you like this song as much as I do, pick it right up.
I’m a casual fan of Papa Roach (outside of my nostalgic love for Scars). This pack is pretty fun for the most part. If I had to pick one song that everyone should have in their library, it’d have to be Last Resort. Every guitarist needs to know that riff. Just sayin’.
The Papa Roach Song Pack for Rocksmith 2014 is available now for $7.99, or you can grab any of the three songs individually for $2.99 each. These songs are available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, PC, and Mac.