Hello Rocksmith fans!
You voted for ’em, so here are the results for the Rocksmith DLC Battle of 2015!
Best Rocksmith DLC of 2015
Stone Temple Pilots (52.1%) 348/668 Votes!
Queens of the Stone Age (47.9%) 320/668 Votes!
Looks like Grunge triumphs over Desert Rock in this case. A close race though!

Best Ubisoft Stream moment
Shane doesn’t blink for 3.5 Minutes (16.6%) 53/319 Votes!

Look deep into @HailTheShane’s eyes, he hypnotized you to get the votes right? That must be it…
Brian McCune and Greg Barr mess with Dan’s outro (14.7%) 47/319 Votes!

It’s like Thin Lizzy… In HELL
How to coil your Rocksmith Cables (13.5%) 43/319 Votes!

Very important!!
Favourite Rocksmith video of 2015
halsb – Cliffs of Dover 100% (56.4%) 154/273 Votes!

Was this even a question? Not only is this the best Rocksmith video of 2015 as voted by you, it might be the best Rocksmith video ever, in fact it might be one of the most insane rhythm game accomplishments of all time…
Audrey plays Maxwell Murder on Bass 98% (19.4%) 53/273 Votes!

@Audrey123talks has come a long way, and she keeps getting better!
PAPAxPALPATINE – Devil On My Shoulder (8.4%) 23/273 Votes!

Always entertaining and awesome @PAPAxPALPATINE delivers with his great playthrough of @BillyTalent’s rocking tune.
So there you have it, the best of 2015! What will this year hold? We’re already off to a great star and hopefully the coming months will bring awesome new songs to master. Did you vote for @STPBand? Did you pick up the Queens of the Stone Age pack after they made it into the final round? Let us know.