Hello Rocksmith fans!
It’s time for another trip to the 90’s and with it we get two returning artist, and a brand new one!
Over the weekend we learned that both @STPBand would return with Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart (Tiny Music… Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop – 1996), and as well @GreenDay would come back for their fourteenth track, the highly requested When I Come Around (Dookie – 1994). Today we can confirm (via Xbox NZ) that @joan_osborne will make her music game debut with her chart topping single One of Us (Relish – 1995).
- Green Day “When I Come Around”|Lead/Rhythm/Bass [Eb Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Joan Osborne “One of Us”|Lead/Alt. Lead/Rhythm [Capo Required} | Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Stone Temple Pilots “Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart”|Lead/Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
The capo streak continues!

httpvh://youtu.be/o-z_5-X_9Po | httpvh://youtu.be/v_FmRj-xz9Y |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4adOXXM5e8 | httpvh://youtu.be/nn8BSg7pXpI |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBYYIvQS_Z8 | httpvh://youtu.be/YDNNj0ueDpQ |
Are you happy with this sixth trip to the 90’s? Or were you hoping for some more variety in artists? Let us know!