Hey Rocksmith fans!
Get out your black beanies (toques if you are Canadian) – DLC for 2017 is kicking off with a 5 pack from the Irish – love them or hate them – band U2!
RollingStone222 gave us the clue again this week that TRR had the honour of posting (Let @DanAmrch have a vacation plz).
The first song confirmed is…

Wooohooo Wooohoooo. Ok, while most of this song should be really fun – when you see The Edge explaining what actually is going on for that intro riff, you start to think that the tone switches could end up causing some falling amp syndrome, just like a certain Rage Against The Machine song does.

So we know Vertigo is part of the pack, but seeing as the band has been together for more than 40 years, there are quite a few hits that could be filling out this pack.
What follows is speculation

Well, given the timing of the clue and the packs release – I’m personally really hoping this 1983 track off of WAR is part of this pack. Bass players should be happy if this one makes the pack and I’m really curious to see how they chose to chart it, since the guitar parts have multiple layers going on.

This song is not a rebel song – this song is a must for any U2 pack!

One of the big singles from Joshua Tree – I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For – might be a fun change of pace and make for a more well rounded pack.

Let’s face it, Rattle and Hum could and should be the first full album pack Rocksmith gets. But in case that can’t happen – I’m hoping we can at-least get this collaboration between U2 and the late, great B.B. King.

Another one that bass players will love – and if Poedy tracked the Saxophone parts – could make for an amusing alt-lead chart.

Can U2 be our backdoor way into a Beatles track in Rocksmith? Tell me, Tell me, Tell me the answer!

We are talking about U2 here folks, 13 studio albums from the last 36 years – there are a ton of likely contenders for this pack – what tracks are you hoping (or expecting) to see included in it?
Or should we just expect this DLC to automatically show up in our library?