Hello Rocksmith fans!
The newsletter for February 2020 went out yesterday, and with it comes 2/3 hints for this month of Rocksmith DLC!
Let’s see what UbiVertigo and @UbisoftStudioSF are hinting at, shall we?
Let’s take care of the obvious one
Check the postage

Just some double confirmation of @StevieWonder
We play make-believe
This has a few possibilities…


Song pack including Flamingo and Trampoline obviously

A bit on the nose…


I can’t believe you’ve done this

is it too soon for another song off Make Believe?

Enjoy a hearty meal

The hatch is open
Topping me with spice
Roasted body, their hunger’s my demise
Anyone a fan of 🦞

Could see this one happening

Nice, a Phish live pack

What do you think @UbisoftStudioSF and @Rocksmithgame are hinting at for this month of Rocksmith DLC? Let us know!