Welcome to May, it’s summer now right?
It’s that time of month again when we get a new newsletter containing hints for this month’s upcoming DLC! Let’s see what @DanAmrich and @UbisoftStudioSF are hinting at…
A cinematic trip to the ’70s
Sounds like what just got revealed today…

A songwriter who flew in from Los Angeles
I have no idea what this clue is on about so I’m just going to put this song that could never make it past the ESRB unless it was covered by Wavegroup…

Or this song by the dude that spells his name correctly, RIP

Or this one
A band that found their name at a seafood restaurant…!

Those are our my picks for this month’s newsletter hint! Agree? Disagree? What would you like to see show up? Let us know in the comments!