Greeting Rocksmith fans!
This week, legendary Irish hard rock band Thin Lizzy has finally arrived on Rocksmith, featuring three tracks from their 1976 album Jailbreak and their 1977 album Bad Reputation.
Well known for their twin lead guitar attacks, Lead guitarists will have a lot of fun with this pack, especially the first song on offer; The Boys are Back In Town. Anyone not familiar with this song should know that the guitar solo is harmonized on two guitars, so prepare to master an alternate lead arrangement if you want the full experience.
The second song, Jailbreak, is much lighter on solos, but is nevertheless going to be a blast to play with its brisk, catchy, easy-to-pick-up riff.
Bass guitarists are bound to have fun with this pack as well, as Phil Lynott was no slouch on bass. It goes without saying that the must-have bass song in the pack is the infectiously groovy and eternally underrated Dancing in the Moonlight (It’s Caught Me in Its Spotlight). Guitarists are bound to have fun with the challenging solo in this song as well!
Hope you don’t mind downtuning as 2/3 of these songs are in Eb Standard.
Thin Lizzy Song Pack – $7.99
- Thin Lizzy “The Boys Are Back in Town” – Eb Standard – [XBL] / [Steam]
- Thin Lizzy “Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me in Its Spotlight)” – [XBL] / [Steam]
- Thin Lizzy “Jailbreak” – Eb Standard – [XBL] / [Steam]

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So, if you’ve been waiting out for some more older-style rock n’ roll on Rocksmith, has Thin Lizzy finally brought you back in town? Leave a comment with your thoughts below, and have fun tomorrow!