Wow, it’s been an exciting day for Rocksmith 2014 fans both inside and outside of Gamescom! First we were treated to a new video which explained some of the new features of Rocksmith 2014 narrated and explained by who else? Paul Cross!

A few things were revealed in the video such as the fact that Riff Repeater is now integrated into the song as you play, song challenges have leaderboards, there’s some new game using “slides”, and of course the Ducks are back!
That’s not all though…
Nao and Paul decided to do an impromptu Q&A session on twitter, here are some of the results:
@naohigo @crossieRS More Foo Fighters/Dave Grohl music?
— Steve 🔜 Tural (@SteveMightSay) August 21, 2013
@GabrielTMercier @naohigo capos are now supported! I think the alternate arrangement of Paint it, Black requires one, will add more on dlc.
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 21, 2013
@radtransf @naohigo in riff repeater you can set an error tolerance so it's ok if you miss a note or two, or have to be perfect!
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 21, 2013
@BOsbun might sound crazy, but I have to check! You actually don't notice them when you're playing (you can turn off the backgrounds)
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 21, 2013
@SFentonX @naohigo put simply, yes it has 🙂
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 21, 2013
@ErikSchierboom @naohigo yes, we have 11 sort options and fast skip functions. It's greased lightning!
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 22, 2013
@shaggunn yes, it's happening 🙂
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 22, 2013
@th1rtyf0ur @Rocksmithgame we never force you to play songs in alt tunings, and in nonstop play you can choose your artist 🙂
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) August 21, 2013
Christopher Woo decided to join in as well with this important tidbit!
For tuning & #Rocksmith2014 you'll do a check when you try to do stuff (Songs/Gcade/SM) after start but staying in that 1 tuning, no checks
— Christopher Woo (@squirrellyninja) August 21, 2013
One thing we haven’t seen so far indicated is directional strumming, could we be missing something?
Another bit of media goodness was released today as well… Some sexy new Rocksmith 2014 screenshots!
Lots of information to digest but there is
one more thing…