Hello Rocksmith fans!
You voted for ’em, so here are the results for the Rocksmith DLC Battle of 2014!
Best Rocksmith DLC of 2014
The Jimi Hendrix Experience (56%) – 110/196 Votes!
Weezer (44%) – 86/196 Votes
Looks like @JimiHendrix fans have spoken, the King of Rocksmith 2014 DLC is 12 songs from the legend himself!

Best Ubisoft Stream Moment
Jason Kocol plays Eric Johnson’s “Cliffs of Dover” (29%) – 57/194 Votes!

Anthony Martinez and Gregory Barr – Basic 12 Bar Blues Tutorial (19%) – 36/194 Votes

Learning is fun!
Sam Schwartz shreds Winger’s “Seventeen” (16%) – 31/194 Votes

Looks like the power of the beard wins this year, for those that don’t know Jason Kocol made this song specifically for Rocksmith 2014! You’re welcome.
Favourite Rocksmith Video of 2014
@Audrey123Talks – Slayer “War Ensemble” (56%) – 96/171 Votes!

Was there even a doubt?
Nick Smith – Slayer “War Ensemble” 99% – (16%) 27/171 Votes

Nick may not have Crazy Kate, but he does have a 99% run on War Ensemble…
Elisoncrz – System of a Down “BYOB” – (14%) – 24/171 Votes

That was nice of you to vote for @elisoncrz, now go buy his album!

So there you have it, the best of 2014! What will this year hold? We’re already off to a great start and hopefully this poll will be better organized next time around. Did you vote for Jimi? Did you pick up the Weezer Song Pack after they made it into the final round? Let us know.