Rocksmith Europe Release: “Not until 2012.. Import at own risk.”

Today was a sad and albeit frustrating day for anyone outside of North America that decided to pre-order Rocksmith.

After months of avoiding the thousands of Facebook posts inquiring about Rocksmith’s Europe release the silence finally ended today with an update on both the Rocksmith page and Rocksmith Canada‘s page.

Hi Rocksmith Fans-

As many of you know, Rocksmith will not be available in Europe until 2012. This is due to music licensing and other external factors.
For those of you in Europe who plan to import the game, we want to advise you to do so at your own risk. Here’s some information that may help you with your decision:

-The XBOX 360 version of the game is region locked.
-The PS3 version of the game is not region locked, but doesn’t support PAL.
-The PSN store is region locked, and therefore you will not be able to download DLC outside of your region.

Please know that we are working hard to ensure that everyone in Europe can get their hands on Rocksmith as soon as possible! Thanks for the continued support!

Rocksmith went on to clarify:

To clarify: the region locked XBOX 360 version will function properly in North, Central and South America. The PS3 version will work anywhere, but the PSN store will only provide the DLC to North, Central and South America.

So it’s clear that Xbots are out of luck till 2012 but what does this mean for Playstation3 users?

  • DLC will not be available to you unless you create an US based PSN account and buy an US based PSN card off eBay.
  • If you connect to your TV using composite cables then you won’t be able to play Rocksmith (correct me if I’m wrong about this please).

Although this news is coming a week before release you still have to hand it to Ubisoft for outlining the restrictions for those that want to import the game.

Has this information made you cancel your pre-order? Are you willing to wait for the official Europe release or will you find a “way around it” and why is this delay occurring? Is it because of music licensing or is it because of the amount of money needed to invest in a international release?

I can assure you though that it has nothing to do with this

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