Hello Rocksmith fans!
It’s August! It’s my birthday month! And we have a new newsletter with three fresh hints! Let’s see what hints we have on tap, shall we?
Some interesting stuff is definitely in the pipeline. Here’s what we’re hoping these hints could mean…
A Brief Period of Solitude
Pantera – 5 Minutes Alone

Well, this is an easy one. It’s clearly hinting towards the recently released 5 Minutes Alone!
A Clear Path
The Chemical Brothers – The Golden Path

I’ve been very open about wanting both electronic music and The Flaming Lips in Rocksmith for a long time. This song combines both, and has potential for some super cool tones, especially on bass.
Eve 6 – Open Road Song

While it may not be as well known as Inside Out, it rocks much harder! Either as part of another 90s Mix Pack or even a whole Eve 6 pack, this song needs to come to a rhythm game soon.
“Weird Al” Yankovic – Nature Trail to Hell

Maybe better suited in a Halloween pack, Nature Trail to Hell is a great pastiche of 80s metal songs and all the wonderful guitar work that comes with it. It’s about time Rocksmith gets a bit weird.
Some Chilly Temperatures
The Grateful Dead – Cold Rain and Snow

Could we finally be getting some Grateful Dead?
Ice Cube – It Was a Good Day

You know, Ice. Plus, the song itself is pretty chillin’, so really this is like a twofer! Seriously though, hip-hop is notoriously underrepresented in Rocksmith (it’s just RapScallions) and there’s a very prominent guitar part going through here that would make this bonafide classic hip hop track feel right at home in Rocksmith.
The J. Geils Band – Freeze Frame

Freezing is pretty chilly. A classic 80s hit that somehow hasn’t found its way over to Rocksmith.