Hello Rocksmith fans!
Welcome to the most tr00 and kvlt DLC so far, because this week black metal ist krieg.
Over the weekend we learned that @MorbidAngelBand’s Immortal Rites (Altars of Madness – 1989) and @Testament’s Souls of Black (1990) would both be in the three pack. Today (via Xbox AU) we discovered that for the first time in a music game Darkthrone will bring Norwegian Black Metal to @Rocksmithgame with Transilvanian Hunger (1994). Hope your strumming arm is strong enough to make it through that frost bitten six minutes.
- Darkthrone “Transilvanian Hunger” |Lead/Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Morbid Angel “Immortal Rites” |Lead/Rhythm/Bass [Eb Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Testament “Souls of Black” |Lead/Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
Tune down for the Death Metal!

httpvh://youtu.be/3Oyz1FFWW9Y | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYip7RyHK68 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JwGwhoilfw | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhICa2On-JM |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UF45-UX_eA | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCvChb_fdWg |
There you have it Death Metal, Thrash Metal, and yes even Norwegian Black Metal. Are you grabbing this whole release or are you wishing this was a full pack from Testament? Let us know!
We're blaming Elison for this one, we got the ORIGINAL "Souls of Black" from @testament sorry for the confusion and or disappointment
— SimpleSongsmith+ 🍼🎸 🎹 🤘🏻 (@TheRiffRepeater) May 21, 2018