Rumour: Oasis headed to Rocksmith 2014 (Again)

oasis leak

For real this time! You gotta love it when things leak early. It looks like next Tuesday’s DLC is going to be a 5 pack of tracks from legendary Britpop group The Beatles Oasis.

Historically, the Gallagher’s never quite got along, so getting Don’t Look Back in Anger was big for Rocksmith 2014’s disc, but now that we’re getting DLC as well…

Let’s take a look at what this Oasis pack MIGHT be:

1. Champagne Supernova

The leak explicitly mentions this song, so it’s practically a lock.

2. Wonderwall

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Because let’s face it, we just simply need more beginner guitarists learning to play Wonderwall!

3. Supersonic

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One of my personal favourite Oasis songs, featuring a great fuzzed out guitar riff. It was a blast to play in Rock Band and I’d imagine it’d be a blast on a real guitar.

4. Stand By Me

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Not a lot of people liked Be Here Now when they looked back on it retrospectively. For the most part, I’d agree that it wasn’t their best effort (but hardly their worst), but one song has always stood out as a personal favourite. Stand By Me is just so… good.

5. Morning Glory

Elliott said I should include this one, and you know what, he’s right. This song is great.

So, there’s our predictions for the upcoming Oasis pack. Of course, it’s hard to pick only 5 for this pack, especially when you know you’re leaving out songs like Rock ‘n Roll Star, Live Forever and Some Might Say. What songs do you think will be included? Tell us in the comments!

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