Hello Rocksmith fans!
Today’s clue from RollingStone222 has been posted and solved and we have a brand new artist to Rocksmith and music games in general!
Let’s check it out.
No GIF this week, just gotta solve the gears
After 55 posts, RollingStone222 noticed an error in his own puzzle, whoops!
This got the forum members to take care of business
B-b-b-b-baby You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!

And it’s a three pack! Awesome!

Outside of this tune on Rock Band Network this is Randy Bachman’s first appearance outside of his other band in a music game
What other two songs could fill out this BTO pack? Here’s some predictions
What follows is speculation (but this is probably the pack)

Is anyone else shocked it’s taken 12 years for this song to appear in a music game?

Get that rhythm tight

Maybe a single down the way?
I am super excited to have another Canadian band in the game, maybe it’ll be one step to my Guess Who Song Pack? (). Are you excited as I am? Or is this a tasty classic rock riff letdown? Let us know!

Get a second-hand guitar, chances are you'll go far. Check back tomorrow for more from this self-employed group of fellows. pic.twitter.com/cgsCQRS6IN
— Rocksmith+ (@rocksmithplus) October 15, 2017