Song Speculation: Grateful Dead make their Rocksmith debut

Hello Rocksmith fans!

Today’s clue was pretty tricky but some far out forum members managed to solve what RollingStone222 was layin’ down.

Let’s check out this week’s forum clue!


It’s a GIF, and that is definitely Nina Meyers from 24


Wow! Ok…

password: glucose

I don’t know about folks, but I’m sure impressed at this solve!

Wow, a Five Pack!!!

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Finally, @GratefulDead will make their Rocksmith debut! Grateful Dead surprisingly never appeared in Guitar Hero like, at all… However Rock Band not only got Alabama Getaway in Rock Band 2, but then continued to receive content up until 2010!

Damn, those are some crispy tunes…

Outside of Rock Band  you might recall another music game that got a GD tune…

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Knowing all that, here’s what we hope to see show up on Tuesday!

What follows is speculation

Is this one of the tastiest jams ever? Yes, in my opinion… Yes…

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An extremely well constructed song, ignore the subject matter if it rustles your jimmies because guitarist and bassist alike will agree that this song is a must have!

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Probably their most famous song, and yes there is a lot going on here that you might not have caught at first listen

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y’know, because of Rock Band 2

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What does “truckin'” mean anyway? (don’t @ me)

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There you have it, FINALLY @GratefulDead make their Rocksmith debut with FIVE songs! Are you excited for these crispy tunes or are you hoping these dirty hippies stay away from your song library? Let us know!


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