Hello Rocksmith fans!
Next week’s clue has been posted and solved, and it looks like something beautiful is on the schedule for next week!
Let’s check out RollingStone222’s clue!
No GIF this week!
A bunch of beautiful people?
Can it be???

and it’s a THREE pack!
@Xantos2250 I saw that name on an e-mail today… that means there is a chance… I know it's not in the next month tho. One day…
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) May 18, 2015
Well, it’s finally one day Paul!
@MarilynManson has had their share of content in music games, their first appearance was a remix of Putting Holes in Happiness by Nick Zinner on Guitar Hero III DLC. This was followed by Disposable Teens as Rock Band 2 DLC, then The Dope Show in 2010, The Beautiful People on disc on RB3 (with a pro guitar upgrade), and finally The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles. Guitar Hero’s later era had some deeper cuts from Manson, including a pack consisting of Coma White, Get Your Gunn, and Tourniquet. GHTV, got their fair share of content as well with The Fight Song, Deep Six, and mOBSCENE!

Knowing all this picking two other songs should be relatively easy…
What follows is speculation

If anyone can get this song, it’s @UbisoftStudioSF. What an iconic solo!

Definitely one of my favourite songs off Antichrist Superstar, and given the inclusion of The Beautiful People, I’d say it’s a safe bet…


Mechanical Animals is a very underrated album

Are you excited for the inclusion of three songs by @MarilynManson finally? Or did the shock rocker’s appeal wear off on you after the 90s? Let us know!