Hello Rocksmith fans!
With perhaps the vaguest clue towards DLC in Rocksmith history we have two returning artists and one brand new one headed to the ever expanding Rocksmith 2014 DLC library!
Yup, @SquirrellyNinja was definitely right about that, although @pcgamingisted was bang on with The Cure’s Friday I’m in Love.
@NUM852 Friday I'm in Love was tuned sharp so we couldn't do it when we first dd The Cure dlc – I'm sure we'll revisit them (eventually)
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) May 29, 2014
Nice work Paul, didn’t even take you a year!
What about the other two songs? Well one is a favourite Guitar Hero III DLC (as well on Guitar Hero Arcade if you are a masochist), For The Love of God by Steve Vai! This one should give those expert guitarists the challenge they need.
@VicSpaventa @naohigo @Rocksmithgame without saying no comment, erm… damn it… no comment!
— Paul Cross (@crossieSF) March 8, 2013

Good luck with this one…
Rounding off the pack is another song from Bill Withers, although this one is far more active than the emotional and soulful Ain’t No Sunshine, it’s Lovely Day!

Love Singles Song Pack – $7.99 / Steam
- Bill Withers “Lovely Day” – [XBL] / Steam
- The Cure “Friday I’m In Love” – E Standard: A456 [Lead/Rhythm] / Drop D: A456 [Bass] – [XBL] / Steam
- Steve Vai “For The Love of God” – [XBL] / Steam

httpvh://youtu.be/eIaWhzNtjSU | |
httpvh://youtu.be/TOGysSNzRD4 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMlnznPBPFw |
httpvh://youtu.be/FydgSOuxwnE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab7L43-CWjk |
Are you excited for this kind of variety in a song pack? Are you aiming to master Steve Vai’s virtuoso guitar playing? Are you surprised another artist got a single after a song-pack? Or is this a giant pass? Let us know!