Well, Rocksmith fans, it looks like Dan may have finally stumped us all for the longest time. 81 pages and counting, and nobody has solved it yet!
It all started with a reasonably inconspicuous GIF image of the Rocksmith twitter feed’s Dream Guitar Friday image, hinting that there may be a file hidden within:
Using Sourceforge’s hide-in-picture software, The_Working_Man successfully cracked it using SGDiabloTremolo as the password, revealing a reversed MP3 file. Ox1a4toke reversed it, revealing a mysterious phrase in Polish, with the sole English word “Placement” in the middle.
After several attempts to translate the phrase, Dan posted this MP3 (reversed by theramiro000), which is the same Polish audio clip with the addition of spaces between individual phrases.
RollingStone222 transcribed it as this:
pomięte przez chmury
połączenie zmian w pobliżu i placement
tu błedów i całego nieba za
Which can be roughly translated as:
creased by clouds
combination of changes in the near and placement
errors here and the whole sky for
Dan then hinted at the translation’s syntax being wrong, and that the Polish phrase itself is confused. Lastly, he asked us to pay close attention to the difference between the two audio files.
And this is where we leave off. Guesses ranged from Jimi Hendrix‘s “Little Wing” to Live‘s “Lightning Crashes,” and yet nobody has managed to solve the clue yet.
Since this DLC is coinciding with the launch of the game on PS4 and Xbox One, we have much reason to believe it may be a pretty big release.
What do you think we’ll see on Tuesday? Let us know in the comments!
(Oscar writing now) UPDATE: Well, we finally know what we’re getting, thanks to the reveal on Facebook.
That’s right, it’s a 3-pack of Killswitch Engage, and we know one of the songs thanks to the post.

So, The End of Heartache is all but confirmed, but what of the other two songs? Well, let’s speculate, shall we?
My Curse

This song has shown up in practically every other game KSE has, so it’s not unlikely that it will also come to Rocksmith.

Because this song was awesome the first time it came to Rocksmith, logic states that it must be awesome the second time around!
Are you happy for moar metal in Rocksmith, or did you hype yourself up too much for this? Let us know in the comments.