Greetings Rocksmith fans!
It’s the time of year when things get spooky! The leaves turn from green to various shades of orange, and Elliott and I celebrate Thanksgiving! That’s right, it’s October, and it’s the time of month when Rocksmith sends out a newsletter with some hints about what we’ll be seeing as DLC over the next few weeks!
Very interesting! Let’s dig a bit deeper into what those might mean for us:
“A potent potable”
This one is easy. Sloe gin is definitely a potent potable.

“Something magical”
Rocksmith loves putting out mixed single packs all centring around a theme in the titles. That’s why my guess is for a “Magical Singles Song Pack”, but what might we see in this hypothetical song pack? Well, I have a few picks on my wishlist that would definitely fit this theme!
Because the fact that we haven’t gotten a proper Heart pack for Rocksmith is a travesty, but I’ll take anything we can get!

The Lovin’ Spoonful are one of my favourite bands to come out of the 60s, and one of those acts I’m constantly hoping to see emerge in a rhythm game one of these days. What better place to start than with one of their most recognizable hits, and one of the best pop-rock songs of the 60s. Period.

Once you get past the novelty of it being a yodelling rock song, you have some SERIOUSLY complex instrumentals! With an all out attack of fast paced guitar work that rarely ever lets up, this legendary Dutch prog rock song has the potential to give tracks like For the Love of God or Cliffs of Dover a run for their money!
“More of the best”
“The best” is a very vague term, but when you qualify it with “more” we know that we’re getting a returning artist. And given the fact that they’re the best, it’s likely to be a single artist pack. Here’s a few artists that I think it could be:
Perhaps this is interpreting the hint a bit literally, but Foo Fighters have always played very nicely with rhythm games, and they’re a super popular band. IS SOMEONE GETTING THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, THE BEST, OF YOU?
Often considered to be the best guitarist of all time, we received a very large pack of Hendrix last December to celebrate the launch of Rocksmith on next-gen platforms. Even with a pack that large, however, there were notable hits that were missing. At least enough to fill up another 5 pack. Plus, I doubt there would be many who would complain about more music from this Guitar God!