Song Speculation: Evanescence returns to Rocksmith


Hello Rocksmith fans!

The clue from RollingStone222 has been posted and solved, and it looks like we have a full pack from a single artist released by @UbisoftStudioSF in 2012!

Let’s take a look at this week’s clue.

Looks like an ANAGRAM!

Still confused?

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Nailed it!

Very cool…

@Evanescence is a band that has definitely had their fair share of appearances in music games, with two three song packs in Rock Band, an on disc-inclusion on Band Heroand of course Going Under appearing on GHTV (Guitar Hero Live), there should be no shortage of choices for the other two tracks to join Everybody’s Fool.

What follows is speculation

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Could see this one being a lock

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The guitar solo in this song seemed really cool when I was 18…

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This isn’t PIANOsmith ok????

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This is a weird Nirvana cover

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There you have it, the last DLC announced for January 2017! Are you excited to have four playable @Evanescence songs in the Rocksmith Library? Or is this an insta-pass. Let us know!

Also, if you like Evanescence and don’t mind harsher metal vocals maybe you’d appreciate some Peccatum.

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