Song Speculation: Gary Moore returns Blues to Rocksmith

Hello Rocksmith fans!

It’s Friday, and with that comes a new clue from RollingStone222!

Looks like we are finally getting a long awaited song pack from a highly revered blues metal guitarist.

Let’s check out that clue!


Good catch!

35 posts later…


Did we get it???


Also for a bonus, maybe this is what RollingStone222 was implying?

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This is the first appearance of Gary Moore in a music game besides Still Got The Blues being in @TwitchSings

What other songs can we expect to see next week?

What follows is speculation

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Might there be a tiny horse in the wild frontier?

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Probably a lock seeing as we got the Nightwish cover

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We have to get this one? Right???

Are you excited about @gmooreofficial coming to Rocksmith? I seem to recall a facebook group based completely around trying to get his DLC in the game? Y’all still around? Anyway, let us know how you’re feeling about what’s coming next week!

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