Hello Rocksmith fans!
RollingStone222’s clue has been posted and solved, and it looks like some overdue female empowerment is a double whammy for November!
Let’s check it out.
It’s a GIF!
NotRolo knew the password was “harddrive”
What’s that in the background?
Damn, the steal from NotRolo!

It’s a THREE pack! (the first song pack from @Halestorm in any music game)
This is the fastest repeat appearance of an artist in Rocksmith DLC history, with @Halestorm (9/26/2017 -> 11/21/2017) beating @MarilynManson (7/25/2017 -> 9/26/2017).
This pack will bring the total number of songs from @Halestorm in @Rocksmithgame to Five!
Love Bites, appeared in the Female Lead Singles release (March 2014), and recently in the Rockin’ Covers Pack, we saw @LZZYHALE’s take on Gaga’s Bad Romance.
@Halestorm also recently appeared on Rock Band 4, with I Miss The Misery, and on Guitar Hero Live (GHTV) Apocalyptic.

What other songs might we see appear with Mz. Hyde next week?
What follows is speculation

Do you think Ubisoft SF will add the song with 5.3 million views on YouTube?

Would be shocked if this one wasn’t announced on Sunday…

Nonconformists Unite!
Are you excited for this long awaited song pack from @Halestorm, or were you hoping for Halestorm, let us know!

@TheRiffRepeater yeah this just happened pic.twitter.com/RySgqRSg82
— Seth Gilmore (@seth_gilmore_08) September 28, 2014