Greetings, Rocksmith fans!
Dan’s clue for 9/8 DLC has been solved, and it looks like our band for the week is none other than music game favorite The All American Rejects! Best known for their album “Move Along”, @therejects are definitely a poppy band with some bite and catchy riffs.
The first clue:
Hmm… something on fire… this couch gag really Gives You Hell?
Whispering… like a Dirty Little Secret?
Nothing to see here… Move Along!
This three pack hits next week! Expect the aforementioned tunes:
Move Along is actually appearing for the second time in a real guitar/bass game, with the first appearance being BandFuse! It was a pretty fun track there and I expect it to be just as great on Rocksmith. “Dirty Little Secret” and “Gives You Hell” should also be great, fun, poppy tracks.
Like it? Love it? Secretly wishing we had gotten “Top of the World” as a track? Let us know in the comments!