Greetings Rocksmith fans!
Well, looks like this Tuesday we’ll be getting tracks from a band with members of Creed that managed to be much, much better than Creed. That’s right, it’s an Alter Bridge 4-pack!
Earlier in the week, Mr. Dan Amrich left us one of the most cryptic hints yet:
Amidst guesses of Sublime, The Black Keys, Dethklok, Franz Ferdinand, Spinal Tap, and countless other bands that could have all fit the clue, as well as lines of confusing code and generally cryptic hints, Ox1a4toke found an image embedded within that black square.
Over on our side, we had our guess… = ???
— TheRiffRepeater (@TheRiffRepeater) April 25, 2014
…but that was ultimately proven wrong. Finally, bubka122 guessed Alter Bridge, and the game was complete at last. We found out that we’d be receiving an Alter Bridge 4-pack.
Addicted to Pain

More often than not, when a band has a recent album out, they like to promote that recent album. What better way to do so than with some music game DLC! Here we have the first single from the 2013 album Fortress, and boy is it a great one. With a ripping guitar part, it’s a perfect fit for Rocksmith!

Dan explicitly stated that this song was coming in his forum post, so naturally we had to include it in the post!
Come to Life

Did you ever play Guitar Hero: Van Halen? If you did, then you’ll remember this great song that totally made sense in a game devoted to the music of 70s/80s arena rock band Van Halen!
Ties That Bind

Do you agree with our choices or do you think we’re absolutely nuts? Let us know in the comments!