Another week, another crazy hint from Dan!
This picture was posted in segmented parts at first
Once assembled it became what you see below. There were a bunch of theories tossed out. Was it soundwaves? An Oscillator? Or was it an ancient language? In the end it turned out to be The Mesa Polyglot Alphabet.
Translated line by line we decoded this beautiful poem(?)
Lo’ for these are the trials three
the stench of the square (s) even
A disappearance and an eclipse
A farewell lullaby from Nancy
On the day of our brother’s passing
First, let’s look at the two songs that are practically confirmed for next week:
James Gang – Funk #49

Let’s look at the first part of this translated hint:
the stench of the square (s) even
7 squared is 49 right?
When I was looking through the speculation threads, I was surprised to find out this WASN’T in Rocksmith already! It’s such a perfect fit for the game, and it’s great that it looks like it’s finally going to come!
Bill Withers – Ain’t No Sunshine
A disappearance and an eclipse
One might say that thanks to this eclipse, there ain’t no sunshine… I’m very sorry.
We go from a song that I thought was already IN the game to a song I never expected to see in a game. Soul is definitely a genre that could use some more representation in Rocksmith (if you haven’t, you should pick up Soul Hits 1), so it’s great to see more of it appear.
The third song, was much trickier
A farewell lullaby from Nancy
On the day of our brother’s passing
At first we thought it was Heart via Nancy Wilson. Nah, too obvious for @DanAmrich, kidmeatball on the Ubisoft Forums nailed it!
“Correct! This is the Nancy reference; Roy Buchanan’s Telecaster was nicknamed Nancy. The “farewell” referred to the fact that “Sweet Dreams” was used twice — and Roy’s version over the end credits — of the movie The Departed.”
Are you glad to see more 70s music, or would you rather have something else? Let us know!