Hello Rocksmith fans!
We got the newsletter, and with it comes three out of four hints for what awaits us this month for Rocksmith Remastered DLC!
Let’s see what UbiVertigo and @UbisoftStudioSF are hinting at for January shall we?
Returning from the break, we go back to class
I think this one is fairly obvious…

Ring, Ring goes the bell!
Get comfortable with not knowing things


This song was sorely missing from the last song pack

Could QoTSA return?

I know @BestFenton is hoping for this one
and put in some solid work
finally a Rihanna DLC!

That’s some solid work if you ask me

You’re welcome

Two songs from bands involved in Back to the Future this month?
What do you think @UbisoftStudioSF and @Rocksmithgame are hinting at this month? Do these hints excite you? Let us know!