It’s time to spend a lot of money, but less than you would normally! That’s right PC/Mac Rocksmith fans, it’s time for the Steam Exploration Sale. Here is what is available as of today (November 26th, 2014) Rocksmith 2014 is currently 40% off All Rocksmith 2014 DLC up to Bachsmith is 25% off (that is, all DLC from Sublime onwards is not discounted – see here for a list of DLC and their release dates) Rocksmith 1 is also 40% off All RS1 DLC, including Gear packs, are 25% off The RS1 Disc Import Tool is not discounted Thanks to @pcgamingisted for the information.…
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Greetings Rocksmith fans! A rare occurrence today, as we received a hint before tomorrow’s puzzle from @DanAmrich! On today’s livestream, Dan Amrich more or less said this: “Next week’s DLC is one that was highly requested, and from the Top 40 Most Requested Artists list” Using our extensive knowledge of how music games work we can narrow that 40 artist list down to 15.…
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