Hello Rocksmith fans!
We’ve reached the end of February’s DLC and it’s closing out the month with a third trip back to the 1960s!
As revealed over the weekend both @_DeepPurple’s Hush (Shades of Deep Purple – 1968) and Joe South’s Games People Play (Introspect – 1968) will be included in the pack. Before we reveal the third song it’s interesting to note that Joe South in fact, wrote Hush for Billy Joe Royal in 1967! #Licensing
Revealed by Xbox AU, off The Youngbloods 1967 self-titled album, it’s Get Together!
If you don’t recognize this song by title, listen to the intro of this obscure band’s song…
- Joe South “Games People Play”| Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] | Lead [Capo Required: Open G ] – [XBL] / Steam
- The Youngbloods “Get Together”| Lead/Bass [E Standard] |Rhythm [Capo Required] – [XBL] / Steam
- Deep Purple “Hush”| Lead/Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
It’s a very capoble week…

httpvh://youtu.be/dZOUheB3f9Q | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYJ4OvWnS2o |
httpvh://youtu.be/8Xp0Wi50qxE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xROEGoO0DGk |
httpvh://youtu.be/z8YVrRNx4Rw | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVoUQKojt1A |
Are you excited for this third incarnation of the 60s mix pack or are you still waiting for some funkier choices? Let us know!