Greetings, Rocksmith fans, and welcome to another edition of the Rocksmith Remastered DLC Round-Up!
Before we get on to July’s DLC, let’s see how you voted for June.
What a close race! Not a single pack from June got under 20% of the vote, and Alabama Shakes beat out Live by less than .3%.
July’s DLC ricocheted from good ol’ 70’s classic hard rock to 2000’ss indie alternative with @TheStrokes, then back to variety in the 90’s, and back again with industrial shock-rocker Marilyn Manson.
Bassists enjoyed everything from slapping to chromatic walking to octave-jumping and everything in between. Let’s have a look:
Thin Lizzy: Cowboy Song

Philthy Phil Lynott delivers another varied, driving bassline to compliment the guitars quite well.
The Strokes: Taken for a Fool

It’s not every day you see a 2000s indie-band utilize this kind of melodic variety in a bass line, especially with as much string-skipping as in this one.
Supergrass: Alright

Based on the comments on the DLC trailer video, it’s likely a lot of you didn’t pay much attention to the 90s pack. It’s a real shame, because some excellent bass lines can be found buried in it. Case in point: The remarkably varied and challenging bass line of Supergrass’ Alright.
Spin Doctors: Little Miss Can’t be Wrong

Alternatively, try this slap-happy track from the 90s pack.
Guitarists had a good time, too. Let’s see what we have:
Jim Croce: Time in a Bottle

The lead and rhythm guitars on this track follow quite different paths, and both compliment each other well. Try this for a fingerstyle arpeggio challenge!
Peter Frampton: Do You Feel Like We Do?

Sure, it’s not the live version with the talkbox, but this is still a lengthy, challenging little number. On a side note, I predict this will become the second-most popular song on Rocksmith where the title asks a rhetorical question.
Tom Cochrane: Life is a Highway

The most 70s-sounding song that ever came out in the 90s. Not too tough, but the muted riffs are challenging and fun regardless.
Thin Lizzy: Cowboy Song

Check out the rhythm arrangement for more guitar harmony magic!
The Strokes: You Only Live Once

“We get it, you like the 70s, show us a different interesting track!” Well, how about this neat exercise in hammer-ons courtesy of The Strokes?
Marilyn Manson: Coma White

Dat Tuning. Dose Arpeggios. Dem F Major 7th chords.
Had it not been for @MarilynManson, we would have had an all-E Standard Month:
Arrangement | E Standard | Drop D | EADGAe | Capo Required |
Lead | 10 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Rhythm | 11 | 1 | 1 | X |
Bass | 12 | 1 | X | X |
Even the lone Custom tuning was pretty close to E Standard, except for the B String.

Which brings one question to everyone’s minds…
Have fun, and see you next month!

Hey, who put this here?