Hello Rocksmith fans!
It’s time to PARTY HARD with the SIXTH 2000’s Mix Pack!
Over the weekend we confirmed that @AVABandOfficial would make their Rocksmith debut with their hit song The Adventure (We Don’t Need to Whisper – 2006). Today we can confirm (via Xbox NZ) that @AndrewWK will bring his unique hard rock song Party Hard (I Get Wet – 2001) and @Coldplay will return with a song that somehow has only been in Guitar Hero World Tour, Shiver (Parachutes – 2000).

- Andrew W.K. “Party Hard”|Lead/Rhythm/Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Angels & Airwaves “The Adventure”|Lead/Rhythm [Capo Required] | Bass [E Standard] – [XBL] / Steam
- Coldplay “Shiver|Lead/Alt. Lead/Bass [E Standard] | Rhythm [EABGBd#] – [XBL] / Steam
Coldplay back again with their weird rhythm tuning!

httpvh://youtu.be/YJXwLqypHd0 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsT2XRWYnK4 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-hH3w9Pkrc&t=0s | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymD2ItTbuM8 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21URhJm-DyU&t=0s | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WNfmzmc0y4 |
There you have it, two new artists for @Rocksmithgame and a returning favourite! Are you in for this DLC week? Or are you wondering how dark it’s going to get for the last week of April? Let us know!